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2002-01-24 - 9:35 p.m.

y'know blair, i wanted to go out with people's sisters too. lets see, i was hitting on jenna's sister, and your sister, i didn't get to kristin's sister... shucks, i just had to end up with randi.

so, anyway...

i sucessfully hooked up a printer in the rotc room today, and i also figured out that my GPA of 3.5 hinges on rotc. if i get an A in that class, i get a 3.6, if i get anything lower than that, i get a 3.4 which is the difference between me getting a new PS2 game or not. dammit. i need to be all kiss ass-ish now and start making things work on the computers in that class.

i dont know why i get tasked to do all those things. it's not like i really know computers, i just have common sense and figure things out by looking at them. i've said that before and i'm saying it again. i really dont know shit about computers. i dont know html, or flash, or anything else.


after school, i spent till almost four in hamel's room because i was supposed to look for a picture of the photo enforcement vans, but, kyle wouldn't let me touch the G3 which is the only computer hooked up to the internet in hamel's room. so i blame it on kyle. oh, and i was giving jenna advice about her situation. i also said to let a certain someone get to know her. and then she said she should and let him be her rebound boy. and then hamel told her to stop being a slut. and i laughed. hell, we all laughed. i like hamel. she should be a counselor. no, she'd probably drive some students to insanity with her bluntness. she should be a teacher. oh wait, she is. nevermind.

Previously on - Currentlier

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