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2002-02-05 - 5:14 p.m.

stupid diaryland internet damn thing shut down on my stupid damn ass for stupid damn long. stupid shit.

but, it's back up so i'm fine.


yesterday was... the fourth. and a monday. and randi told me that the day before yesterday was the third. and a sunday. oh, and our three month anniversary. yeah, we both forgot. i found that humorous.

hmm... oh, and i was teaching my kid sister how to get angry yesterday. i dont think i he gets it, because i dont think he can get angry quite like me, but yeah. oh well, maybe when he comes face to face with the situation, he'll be able to do it. i also taught him how to give a pep talk while i was teaching him how to be angry.

hmm... oh, and i dissed randi's parking skillz yesterday. she drove to my house to park in the morning and we were gonna walk to school, but she couldn't park in my parking lot worth a shit. i mean, the stall is nice a wide, and she goes and pulls in on the line AND crooked. twice. so i made fun of her and she hit me. and i hit her back. and we fought. in my parking lot. hey, that rhymed. and then we laughed and walked to school.

i think matt markley thinks we're retarded.

oh, and we finally finished the fast and the furious yesterday too. about damn time. only took us what? four days?


oh, and at lunch, i was talking to dane about just random ryan and dane stuff. and then there was a fat girl sitting on the table next to us so i said to dane what i thought was quietly, "hey, dane. you notice all the fat people now days?" and then the girl looks our way! "fuck!" i think to myself. so i started to talk about how they should go play football. "yeah, evertime i see one of them guys, i think to myself that they should go play football. imagine if all of them joined the football team and became O-line. it'd be like, damn!" but she knew i was talking about her. i felt bad for a minute and then i told jenna about it as a joke.

and well, today? what happened today?

uh, well, lets see. since the day before yesterday was sunday, and yesterday was monday... today would be, wednesday. i mean the 5th. so, since it was the 5th, it was uniform day, only i really didn't feel like wearing my uniform today. so i went to school and went to class and by the time i knew it, "hey, it's period 2 and i'm not wearing my uniform," oh well. so i said fuckit, i'm not wearing the damn thing today. oh well. tiffany agreed with me that the rotc sucks now and that we shouldn't need to listen to all them stupid chinese immigrants who run the battalion. no, i'm serious. our two most senior people on the chain-of-command are chinese immigrants. the Battalion Commander, ching yee lau; and the Command Sergeant Major, man ki shing; are both chinese immigrants. man, what happended to the good ole days when i used to be smart and was kick ass and everyone used to look to me? i want to tell people what to do because i like to boss people around. nah, i dont really give a fuck. fuck rotc already man.

oh, and today we were watching shrek and kyle told us that teruya knows about us watching movies. he said that she hasn't put a stop to it, but we just gotta watch ourselves to make sure that we get everything done. and besides, i'm running outta DVD's already.

oh, and in english, kelsey purple nurpled me twice. TWICE. like both were right on the nipple. i have to retalliate. i'm going to have to slam her in the boobs one of these days. one of these days... just like how i'm gonna make jesse scream out in pain (or pleasure) by grabbing his breasts before i graduate.

yeah, and in period three, i was talking to our sub, mr. barrow, the guy we had for mrs. williams a few months ago. it turns out that the guy is a bibliophile (he loves books) and he's going for his PhD. his dad had over 7,000 books and now they're all his. it's like... wow. so he was helping me to learn to write papers, and he was telling me about how he doesn't mind the photo enforcement. we had a nice little talk about it. i like him, he's a really smart guy, but he really doesn't seem like a PhD kinda guy.

oh well, people suprise me all the time.

man, i really hate photo enforcement. last night i think i had a dream about seeing one of those vans while i was in a car and flicking them off. it might've been a wet dream even?

no, it wasn't. but that would've been scary if it was.

oh, and in period three, kyle gave us a pep talk of sorts. first off, he started off by telling us that this next issue is going to be crap, but march's issue he want's to up the standards for us because he thinks that only emily's coleman story has a chance of winning an award. looks like i'll have to pick emily's brains to write an award winning featured rides. i want to win an award just for the hell of it. oh, and bragging rights. and imagine if i won something for a featured rides? trippy...

oh, but kyle really set the mood for the rest of the class when he told trevor that he's really close to being removed as sports co-editor. but the mood got too heavy for me and taryn because we're the big mouths who dont like heavy moods. i made a joke, but i give the award to taryn today. she said something and then kyle asked her what she said, so taryn goes "sorry, just trying to lighten the mood." yeah taryn! so i gave her a high five.

and that was that.

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