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2002-02-06 - 5:28 p.m.

oh man, today was bad ass.

well, in period one, it was the same deal, watch movies and do homework, but that wasn't so much the interesting part.

uh, period 3, kyle said that our paper's improving, but that still isn't it. oh and we made fun of kristen saying that she looked like one of the 13 morning musume (sp?) girls. randi too.

in period 4, there was a news crew from Fox 2 and hanaike, the guy i dont like because he gave me the eye was there. so dick woke me up cause hokama was there too. so i started to talk behind hanaike's back about how the cell phones and cd players get confiscated but there's still smoking in the bathroom and out in the open and the security has those little carts when it's the janitors who deserve them more. i hope he heard me. that fucker.

but that's still not it.

in period six, i slept more. and then, i felt like being a real bastard so i took sgt. hika's picture from his little display thing and i drew on his face a goatee, a wire mustache and i wrote vulgar names on all his business cards. i think that's all i did to it...

and again, that's still not it.

after school, i had to stay at rotc because of leadership lab. so i figured to make the best of it. i fucked around. we had to do a pass in review, and since i was teaching some guys how to do guidon earlier, i still had the other guidon and i marched with it like i was important. i also answered my cell phone in formation and put a cone on my head as we were marching.

and then, we had to stay there for a platoon drill for two promotion boards. eric and man ki were supposed to do their platoon drill with me, deyson, sheldon, and brian as squad leaders. bad idea since i really dont give a fuck about anything and deyson and brian dont give a damn either, and sheldon, well he just follows along. so i was fucking around saying everything really stupid like, marching like i shouldn't, and being a general idiot. infact, i was acting like such a moron that i think we're getting in trouble for it. the four of us got demerits for our actions and so of course me being the dick head i'm appealing. why? because i just said, i'm a dick head. dick head... i think that's one of the names i wrote on one of sgt. hika's business cards.

oh, and seguritan said that he want's to be just like me when he comes a class leader or something. i was happy. i love being a role model.

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