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2002-02-07 - 8:55 p.m.

man! today was like... war on rotc.

i feel like i'm waging a one man war on the stupidty on rotc. or at least i'm at the front lines and tiffany's backing me up.

okay, so today, at lunch time i had my appeals board for yesterdays incident. so i go down at a leisurly 12:50 (20 or 30 minutes after lunch began, i forget), and as soon as i get down there brian is finishing his up. it's a good thing i went in alone because brian might not've helped me defend myself because he's like that. so, anyway...

as soon i'm in there they present their case against me and i start off by saying in my defense that what they're accusing me of is incorrect. they said i was "talkin at the position of attention." bullshit. i was talking while marching and while at parade rest, but never while at attention. and then ching yee gets all defensive about it saying that i was (when i really wasn't). and then they ask that if they changed the wording to say that i was talking while i shouldn't have, then would i sign the demerits? and i told them hell no because i feel that i was being used as a scape goat and that if they were gonna crack down on my talking, then they ought to crack down on every one, the LET I's included. and so major asked me if that meant that i would start cracking down on them too, and i told him no. i told him no because i feel that i shouldn't have to because they should know what to do or something like that.

but, not being entirely distracted from the subject they called in witnesses (presumably against me). well, when they asked tyler okikawa if he heard me speaking, he said he didn't hear me speaking any. so they asked vo, she said all i was saying was pertinent stuff. and then they ask paige keopuhiwa and she too said that i was only saying pertinent stuff. HA! IN YOUR FACE BITCHES! their witnesses testified FOR me not against me. boo-ya!

and then they told me to go outside while they decided what to do to me.

while i was outside i started to tell tiffany my story and then they called me back in. it turns out i still got the demerits. so eric, being the mediator asked if i had any final words. i said something about how i feel i dont want my rank and position anymore and that everything is a load of crap and that everyone is full of crap, so in short "fuck rotc and fuck all of you."

so i walked out feeling good because i let all them fuckers have a piece of my mind.

and then in period six (right after lunch), major kimura and sgt. koki decide to have a little talk with the class about what happened in the back. so they have ching start it off basically attacking the position i took by saying shit like it's the NCO's faults and that she was just out there and she told me not to do this and that (when she really didn't) and that she wasn't at fault in the tiniest bit. so then major asks for my half of the story and i start to tell it, but they can't hear so i decided to have a little fun with it and i go behind the podium and start talking all politician like. yeah, they all had a good laugh at that. well sgt. did anyway. and so i go on describing how i was a fault, but it's not entirely my fault and that ching yee and man ki are also to blame blah blah blah because they are. and then tiffany really descretely jumps to my aid, deyson just stayed out if it, and eric kept the peace and sorta helped me along because no one likes the chinese milita that runs the battalion. well, except for sgt. koki and major kimura. i think they're secretly chinese or something.

this went on for the entire period. so i was defending myself from 12:50-2:30 i was under constant attack for almost two hours. did i lose my guard? never. i was always on the offensive. even if i was under attack, i sent it right back while managing to maintain my cool. man, i'm good.

oh, and i think i just may get my demotion because major said something about he'd consider it.


yeah, and at lunch, sgt. hika left these papers telling people about the display he was bringing. as soon as i saw that i flipped out. i started to tear them up, i was urging others to tear them up, hell i was imaginary tearing them up. i was walking around standing on the table telling people who sent it and what to do with it. i was all anarchist like. too bad hika that faggot wasn't there. but i have a plan for him. i saved one and i'm going to tear it up in his face and walk away. just gonna walk right up him and put it in his face and tear it up into itty bitty pieces, drop it, and walk away without saying a word. maybe i can get him to hit me. maybe i'll even bleed. i just want to do something to get rid of that fat ass.

i'm mounting my war on stupidity.

damn the chinese milita and fatty hika.

and after school was a great big let down. i had to spend it with randi. driving me around and running her errands. shit... i had to go see coach ross for her and she wouldn't even let me drive "my" car. oh yeah, i forgot to mention, she drove to my house this morning and i drove the rest of the way to school in her escort. it's not as bad as he makes it seem. and we also parked next to taryn and then erin saw us so she came by and asked what was wrong with randi to let me drive. i laughed a lot. too bad her windows aren't tinted because then we could've made babies. oh, yeah. after school. anyway. she made me do all her work and i got nothing for it. NOTHING. except for a ride home... but yeah. whatever.

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