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2002-02-08 - 10:39 p.m.

today, rotc fought back.

yep, when i got down there for period six, major kimura wanted to talk to me, so i goes into his office and i sit down. then major starts asking me if there's any problems at home, in my other classes or with my girlfriend (hah! if they only knew how many problems i have with her). well, of course i told them no, there wasn't because there isn't. and then major asks me what my problem might be, so i told him senioritis, because that's probably what it is. i really don't care about what goes on down there because the chinese militia is my problem and they'll never address that because they're too PC (politically correct). so then major starts interogating me about the business cards that they found. yeah, those business cards, the ones that i wrote on. they knew it was me. so i figured, why deny it. then major asked me why i did it. so i told them it was because i dont respect him because he doesn't respect me because he talked to my parents. oh yeah, by "he" i'm referring to sgt. hika. so i was telling major the story about why i dont like hika. major kimura then told me that what i did was technically a crime. apparently that stuff is state property and by me defacing it, i defaced state property. well, that suprised me, but at the same time, it didn't. i didn't realize i was breaking a law, but i wasn't suprised that major kimura blew it out of proportion like that. so what'd i say? i realized that i was wrong but i felt morally justified because he disrespects me. and then they went off on how i probably will be demoted all the way to private E-1 (the lowest damn rank possible) and that i would be placed into a squad. but, i've been thinking about it since then. instead of me being a squad member like i was supposed to be, i should become a civilian inside of rotc. instead of being a part of their structure, i should be a civilian contractor of sorts and not have to do their military bullshit, but i'd still help out with the technical side of things. like, i can do most of the computer applications they want, but i could slack away from all the mickey mouse shit they demand from everyone. i think that would be in everyone's best interests.

yup. so i basically got what i wanted.

oh, and at the teddy roosevelt impersonation guys assembly, i asked a question that was supposed to make the guy think. but that bastard was good... he was real good. he dodged the question (even the follow up!) and made it into a 1880's era answer. he even skipped around jevon's question which wasn't even a question but got a standing ovation (from about three people).

and then we distributed papers as people exited the auditorium.

what else? today we also distributed jamba juice to those lucky 350 who bought tickets. however, not as many people came to collect. so what'd we do? we gave some away, we took some, hell, we even sold some. i dont know how much we made off of selling, but it was good because that would all be nearly 100% profit. yes! hmm...


kyle said that randi can't be a class officer even if ryan (me ryan) is one. why? because for one, ryan is remotely responsible and serville (i.e. easy to whip around). randi on the other hand is lazy and bull headed.

you know what i say to that?


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