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2002-02-10 - 8:49 p.m.

i have a solution to my rotc problems, i thought about it while i was taking a shower just now. yup, i sped up my shower just so i could write it down so i wouldn't forget this awesome idea.

so, here's how it works:

1) i audit the class. i will no longer recieve a grade from rotc, and i will also no longer be bound to their retarded ways.

2) i will help out when and if i can because they still owe them something for being so damn good to me even though all the stupid shit i have done. i do have honor.

3) i will appologize to sgt. hika for ruining his display. and it will be heartfelt. but i will not appologize for calling him stupid and being disrespectful to him because he deserves that.

4) i will request that they make sure sgt. hika no longer even look at me because he's quickly becoming as annoying as ake.

how does that sound you guys? is it a good plan or what? i get what i want, they get what they want (well, maybe not) and sgt. hika will fuck off once and for all (hopefully).

damn, if i ever get writers block, i'll just take a shower. or go poo. i wonder why my best ideas always come to me in the bathroom? something to look into.

so,yesterday, i woke up at a nice 12 noon. and then i played some video games and stuff and i also went driving with my dad. i almost ran a stop sign. i really need to work on my concentration. stupid driving.

i'm going for my license in two weeks as of tomorrow.

watch out pedestrians and drivers alike. hell, all of you in your houses watch out too.

hmm... and then i went out with jenna, kim, julie, dennis, and lunchbox. yeah, it was like a tripple date. until kim moved over a seat from julie so they wouldn't look all lesbian like.

we saw "monster's ball." halley berry got naked.

randi got mad at me when ever i made a certain obscene gesture.

we also were laughing quite a bit during the movie.

and then dennis drove me and randi to randi's house.

dennis's new car is pretty good. a teal (yes jenna, TEAL) Ford Probe. it's small, but i like it. it looks sporty and with the right parts, it can run 13's. i've been talking to him about what to add. so far he's been researching exhaust parts, mostly cat backs systems. but they're a little expensive for him so it'll be a while.

in the mean time, i've been researching parts for my mom's civic because i want it to be able to corner harder. my dad said to get a paint job and mag's (american torque-thrust wheels) first. but i told him that i'd just want it to steer better. so he said to get new struts, and i said that i'd probably get a tie bar or something like that first. but it's all so expensive. i need a job dammit.

and today, i still dont know what time it is because the power went out yesterday and so i haven't reset my clock. i'm pretty sure it'll stay like that for a while because remember the last time my clock went off? yeah, it didn't get reset for three weeks till my sister came home and did it for me.

and then i did part of my vocab and fell asleep while watching a NASCAR race.

it's all-star weekend, so that means all the neat shit is on from the NBA. but i'm salty. one at the NBA, one at project grad. last night's slam dunk contest sucked. the way they have it now is just shitty. what the fuck is that wheel thing. i'm not down with it. i dont want to see people replicate dunks of years gone by, i want to see some original dunks. oh well... last nights winning dunk was pretty awesome. jason richards did this sweet lob to himself then he went up, tomahawk reversal two hand slam or something like that. crazy stuff man. crazy stuff.

but god dammit. i missed the end of the all star game today because i had to go help project grad do a concession stand at kenedy theater. dammit. i was all sullen and shit so i didn't talk more than 10 times. fuckers. who the hell wants to watch a god damned chinese opera when the all-star game is going on too? retards.

and then i came home and you know the rest of the story.

Previously on - Currentlier

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