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2002-02-11 - 8:48 p.m.

okay, so today me and rotc started peace talks. wow, i think this war is quickly becoming one of the fastest resolved wars ever since the 7-day war between egypt and israel back in the days.

well, i made my propsition to major kimura today. he said that he wouldn't consider the audit until after the formal inspection and i haven't seen my demotion take place yet. grr... i'm still in charge of something dammit. i really dont want to be given responsibility in rotc. shit.

hmm... what else?

last night kerin asked me to join her singing group. i laughed at her. so did randi when i told her about it. i think it's kinda funny. don't you?

and in news writing, i think i've just been assigned what will be my most fun Featured Rides yet. i get to do an article on prom rides. yes, prom rides. i will be doing an article on alternitive rides to the prom other than your mother.

after school randi came over and took all my energy away. just like rogue from the x-men. so i crashed for an hour, and then she wouldn't let me go back to sleep. so i got really salty. i was all grumpy and wanted to go back to sleep so we started to scrap and then it just turned into a slap, kick, and sock fight. well, really just my socks being flung about as weapons.

and then lunchbox finally left so i could go buy her damn gift for damn valentines which damn emptied my already damn empty wallet. and the thing is, i know she's not really going to like the damn gift because it's a damn ryan gift. god dammit.

if you are randi, do not read the previous few lines.

but, i managed to get the new issue of super street. but i didn't have enough money to get the new issue of motor trend where they display the 2003 390 hp Cobra. i wanted to read that article, it sounded good. damn it all.

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