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2002-02-12 - 9:16 p.m.

okay, so there was once this thing called uniform day, that i once cared about, but when rotc started to piss me off a lot, i stopped wearing my uniform. what does that have to do with today? well today was that uniform day thing i was talking about. what'd i do? i didn't wear my uniform. why? because i just mentioned why retard.

so yeah, i didn't wear my uniform just like last week. and this time i was prepared to not get caught again. only, this time, irony was being a bitch and got all pissy on me. i almost made it the whole day without wearing it, until 5th period. god dammit. mr. chia called me down to the cafeteria to help arrange the deffiency party as i call it, or alpha sorting as the teachers call it me thinks. so i go down and whos there? none other than major kimura. fuck i think to myself. oh well, better play it calm. so i just ignored his ass. he ignored me too, gave me a few looks, but didn't say anything. oh well. it was my trump card. i have one non-wear per quarter and well, this was my one. so TS for me. looks like i'll have to wear it next week. it was a good two week run. i felt... liberated. like a woman who choses not to wear her bra or a new found nudist.

hmm... today i was discussing the free-thinkers club in leadership. i was talking about how i wanted us to go into the free thinkers vs. the edge debate with the subject being masturbation. and then micah brought up what he knew about the topic from his youth group meeting or something. something about 80% of men 65% of women masturbate, and then fukutomi chimes in with the joyclen elders (sp?) story on how she was kicked out of her surgeon general office for promoting the teaching of masutbation in sex education programs. and then the conversation suddenly died...

oh, and in period 2, english, our class fucking failed the grammar test with flying fucking colors yo. i mean, it was so bad that she's gonna give us a retest next class period i think. oughta be interesting.

and then, in period 3, i turned in my little rant on PMS. asia and taryn both liked it so it oughta make it into the papers without too much editing. i had fun writing it. there was so much bullshit about it that i know there's gonna be laughter abound. i like writing funny stories. and then hamel had me help her stuff things in boxes because it's what i'm good at. clerical stuff. we talked about what i should do after high school and then i was talking to jon lee really quickly about the latest issue of super street and she started to call us show-offs because we were naming cars and it was going right over her head figuratively and physically. you see, she was bending down to put things in some of the teachers boxes and we were talking above her. so the words were going right over her head... ah nevermind you close minded bastards.

oh, and kyle got angry at many of the editors. i'm not going to say anything about that because it's well... a little private and doesn't involve me so i do care because i dont want any raging going on at me because it would throw my equilibrium off.

after school, i went cruising with randi for an hour. just random driving here and there. oh and me and erin tamashiro were acting like we were gonna scrap, and every time she'd crack up. me being the master thespian (or wanna be thespian) i could keep my act, erin on the other hand couldn't last more than... 3 seconds? 4 seconds? something around there. all i have to do is put on a serious face and throw down my sweat shirt and boom, she'd crack. too good.

oh, and get this, randi let me drive the sentra! i was so happy. i took it out towards punahou, trying to avoid as many busy roads as possible, then i went past roosevelt, up nehoa, towards kerin's house, towards papakolea and down back home. and the whole hour we were driving, we were blasting rock. i thought that was funny because no one ever blasts rock. they always blast hip-hop and i like being different. besides, rock is better, especially when its metal and slightly angrier and heavier than like punk.

and then we had sex in my parking stall. no. we basically slept in her car listening to her music and i showed her how to use her car stereo.

oh, i have to review her sentra. i think it drives okay. the steering is a little stiff and the accelerator is a little touchy, but i attribute that to just not being used to the car. oh and the breaks are a little stiff, but once again, i just need to get used to it. it handles competently with slight body roll. and it doesn't feel like it has a lot of torque. hell, my civic feels like it has more. oh and the three speed automatic isn't as user friendly as honda's are. to go from drive to 2nd you need to press the button whereas in honda's all you have to do is pull it or push it. but, on the whole, it's an okay car. but i still like honda's better. i'm a honda fan, what can i say?

and now, randi's never ever gonna let me drive the sentra again, right dear?

Previously on - Currentlier

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