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2002-02-13 - 5:05 p.m.

i think that just thinking about rotc makes me angry.

i was just playing gran turismo, and well, i started to think about how i was becoming too smart for the program because i realized all the double stadards abound. well i started to crash a lot more and my concetration started to slack and i could feel myself getting mentally angry.

oh well, i still won the race in the end when i made myself concentrate on the gas and break pedal mannipulation to drift the series of turns on the Tahiti Maze course.

well, uh, lets see... i almost missed school today. i woke up at 7:30 and when i was walking to school, i saw melissa parking on the road so i helped her park her car. no, not really, but i held a spot for her in the school parking lot while she drove from her street parking spot to come and get it. i was really scared that i'd get run over again and well, yeah. but oh well, melissa got the spot and i didn't get hit by a car.

in period 1 we watched american pie 2. oh, and larry price is a bad ass mofo. he gave the class a shit load of money for prom. so yeah, larry price gets major props. and this is why i wanted him to be a guest speaker instead of denby dung, no offense to denby. but it's like melissa said, with larry price, talking is his business and so who better to have as a guest speaker than larry price!

oh well... the people have spoken and would rather have denby dung. harumph.

during periods 3 and 4, me, dick, jesse, pang, and david went to ala moana for job hunting. well at least me and jesse did. we filled out an app for longs drugs and got a mcdonalds one. well, i threw away the mcdonalds one because i dont want to work with food like that. and i dont really intend to work at longs because well... yeah.

and then we let dick go shopping for his valentines gift while jesse showed me what kinda stuff i should buy from hot topics.

and then we ate lunch. the five of us ate an entire sbarro pizza in four minutes. yup, four minutes. and when we drove past school, we were too early so we did the loop thing that took us another four minutes and by the time we got back, we were good. oh, and they had the national guard display so me and jesse walked past at the hitler salute while i yelled out "milita! miltia!" i think everything is a miltia now days.

and then inouye stopped me in the hall way and asked me what that was outside so i told him and then he asked if i was going to join and i told him hell no because sgt. hika ruinned it for everyone by being a dick head. i also explained to him that i told him that i didn't want to join and that he talked to my parents about after trying to get them to get me to join and then inouye had this look on his face that said "what?! that's pretty dick!" a shocked kinda look. and well, i felt good about that.

oh, and for the iFlurtz thing, nikki matsumoto is tops on my list. and erin tamashiro is second on mine. but the real funny thing is that i'm second on hers. i found that hilarious. if only they knew the past...

what's even funnier is that my celebrity match is venus williams.

i dont know why it's funnier, but it is.

in period 6, i was supposed to have an informal counselling session about me not wearing my uniform and well, it never got to that because we had to help the SpEd guys. oh well. sgt. koki asked me why i hadn't worn my uniform for the past two weeks and i told him that i just didn't feel like wearing it and he said "at least he's honest about it," to eric. i figure sgt. koki is the smarter of the two because he understands that i really dont want to be in the program anymore. major kimura is all political and is trying to keep me in i guess so he doesn't look bad. but by keeping me in there, he's only making it worse for himself. i mean, he's trying to get my peers to get me to fall in line with their ways and everyone knows that i wont because i'm stern in my ways. but i guess kimura is just being bull headed himself. oh well, he's only making it harder on himself.

i really wish i could quit already.

i'm rapidly loosing faith in major kimura as a competent teacher.

sgt. koki on the other hand is slowly moving his way up on my respect list.

god rotc sucks.

Previously on - Currentlier

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