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2002-02-14 - 8:51 p.m.

i love system of a down. and since randi bought toxicity for valentines... i guess that would me that i HAVE to love her. for today at least. but, it's like only another 3 hours left of today so i'm pretty much off the hook. this rocks man.

okay, so randi bought me two gifts. one was the aforementioned toxicity CD, and the other was an orange scented candle, my first scented candle. with the price tag still on it. at least i scratched the price tags off of my gifts in the car. psh... screw that.

so what'd i get randi?

i got her a key chain of that country with amsterdam. i keep forgetting the damn name of it. netherlands? shit, i dont know. and i got myself a germany key chain because when i rule the world, germany will be what all the other nations governments will be like. oh and it's next to whatever country that was that randi has.

shit? was i supposed to get her more stuff? well yeah. i did. i got her a book. catch-22. why'd i chose that book? because i think everyone should read that book. or at least that's what jenna told me to say. really i got it for her because i wanted her to read it. a lot. and then i wanted to read it. :) oh, and my parents got her chocolates. shit, my parents and randi make such a cute couple, yeah?

oh, in period 2, i retook the same test that i failed a few days ago. and i think i failed it again today. the exact same test.

i must be retarded on that stuff.

and in period 4, mrs. williams didn't say anything about me, dick, and jesse being absent yesterday. so looks like we're safe. i love mrs. williams. she also had us do something for her husband. she forgot his birthday today, so she had all of us make cards. i drew stupid pictures on my card and explained it to her because i like attention. jesse drew all these stupid cartoons and didn't turn them in because they eventually became absurdly inappropriate. how the fuck do you spell that?

and in period five, i was walking the halls delivering notes in a-bldg, and i see jordan hazen walking around talking to everyone he knows saying "man, mrs. chungs room has 'the smell!'" "the smell" being weed. apparently someone lit up IN class and the teacher or someone caught the scent and called security. so everytime i walked past i was trying to sniff it serruptisiously. y'know, cant let them know i'm trying to or anything. oh and antenocruz was trying to be all big police man like by acting all tough, but i'm sure he just sounded stupid. that man is a moron.

and at lunch, i got some mad ass attention. i helped out my man dennis by delivering flowers to jenna for him. it was this HUGE ass thing bouquet of ballons. i dont know how else to explain it other than bouquet. oh and it had this really nice bouquet of flowers too. but the ballons were just... WOW. i mean, it was a lot. so he dropped it off at lunch and i took them to jenna getting a lot of attention on the way. and i do mean a lot. like... people were stopping me latter asking if i gave my girlfriend all that stuff. i felt uncomfrotable giving them to jenna because i dont want people thinking i'm going out with tubby, but i helped out a friend, so i guess that's all that matters.

besides, i look like a good guy now. yeah!

and in period six, i did something that'd suprise all of you.

i mean, this is really gonna blow all of your socks off.

you might even shit your pants.

or piss your pants, depending on whats more pressing right now.

hell, you might even do both.

it wouldn't suprise me if you did one or the other right now.

but then again, you might not do either.

and that wouldn't suprise me either.

well, i should also say that if you aren't sitting right now, you should sit.

it's almost as suprising as seeing me wearing a colored shirt.

oh, you want to know what i did?


i'll tell you.

i appologized to sgt. hika without anyone telling me to.

yup, i did it. i walked up to him and i told him i was sorry. he didn't seem bothered by it. i'm guessing major kimura talked to him about it before i approached him. but i'm still not going to join the military. he said that he had to talk to my parents because of his job's stippulations. while i really dont agree with that, i can't be angry at him anymore because i no longer have grounds to be angry. he seemed to be very happy that i appologized to him. he said it was "very big of you." by "you" he meant me. i had an inside smeck at that. god dammit. i'm speaking like "a clockwork orange." i hate it when i speak like my books.

or when i speak british in my dreams...

actually, no, that's kinda cool.


after school, randi dragged me to ala moana with her. why? she needed to get a last minute present for joanne. it was fine with me because i got the motor trend magazine i wanted AND i got to drive home. i drove the escort. while not as good as the sentra, it's okay. i still think i'm a better driver than randi. oh, and i found i get angry at people who lean on other peoples cars. i think that if i ever saw anyone leaning on my car, i'd get pretty angry and i'd yell at them. why? because that's not respecting the other guys' property. it's like... his ride y'know? would you want someone sitting on your horse?

ah nevermind you close minded people.

Previously on - Currentlier

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