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2002-02-20 - 11:10 p.m.

well, jenna called me a freak and a half. at least i dont weigh as much as a freak and a half. jenna on the other hand weighs as much as two and a half freaks. yup, that's what weighing 300 lbs. does to you.


so, anyway... last night, me and kyle spoke about local and national politics. well, i was speaking about national and he was speaking about local so we were discussing the same topic... only not.

and in another conversation, i was talking to wago about fan fiction, pornography, and comic books.

and in yet another conversation i was probably making fun of someone because it's all i ever do...

now... hmm... lets see...

today fukutomi hit a new low. we went the whole period without even having to talk to her. she scares me sometimes... anyway, in the last 10 minutes of class she goes "oh, i'm so sorry that i haven't had the chance to get to know you guys better... blah blah blah." meanwhile the rest of us are beginning to really wonder what she's been smoking, how much she smokes, and where she gets it. well, i know that's what i was thinking at least.

oh, and in period 3, i had to write two more news briefs for ashley because i'm such a nice guy. fuck that, i just didn't want to read news papers anymore. and because i did that i almost forgot to print out my article to turn in.

ah, one more thing related to news writing. this morning when me, kyle and fruitbasket (blair) were walking to class kyle looks up and starts freakin' out about something, so i look up and there's this piece of paper that says in big bold letters "the rough rider is a feminist news paper! stop bitching!" kyle is so elated about this feedback that he runs to hamel to show her. i on the other hand am getting more of a kick seeing his and hamel's reaction. classic. it was like a "paper: $.05; black marker: $.35; masking tape: $.50; kyle and hamels reaction: priceless." okay okay, so it's a trite expression, fuck you.

speaking of fuck you's, i gave a nice hearty fuck you to ching yee today for saying that i wasn't important to the battalion and she didn't really give a shit what happens to me. not that i really care about rotc, but all i asked her to do was get me and deyson out of in ranks inspection. and then she goes off about how she's stressed out about it and that i feel that i'm so important that she should put all her shit on the side for me blah blah blah. so i said fuck you and proceeded to tell her what the fuck i thought. so, if they tell me to get into in ranks, i'm gonna make sure they know what i'm about. when they ask me a personal question, i'll give them a fucking thesis on what i think. no, fuck that. even i dont have enough breath to say a god damned thesis orally. at least not a doctorate thesis... like mr. barrow was talking about.

fucking 200 pages. screw that.

and in marine science i had a nice long ass nap. i put my head down, and covered it with my hood and slept. i slept until jesse and dick woke me up for something, and then i fell right back asleep. then, when they woke me up again, i stayed awake. fucking james had so much glue in his hands that there was fucking glue coming out the side and kalai was busy putting drops of glue in his hair. and he was just sitting there laughing like a moron. what an idiot. and then his fucking phone rings. it was his girlfriend. so me and jesse talked to her. she apparently liked jesse's mohawk so i told her that i had my pube's in a mohawk just to hear her reaction. she was speaking unintelligbly. so i gave up and gave the phone back to james. and then later, he put his hands on his hair and goes "holy shit! there's glue in my hair!" when there was fucking glue in his hair the whole god damned time. we all had a mighty good smeck at that. god damn a clockwork orange is at it again. anyway... by the end of the period jesse had gotten him to eat some of a glue stick (non-toxic) and part of the dried glue he had ripped from his skin. i swear to god that guy is such a moron. but jesse tried to talk some sense into him. he was telling him to stop being so stupid and shit. sometimes i think jesse honestly cares about people... sometimes.

and in period 6 all i did was floor plans. i made at least three separate floor plans for just one room and i also did two for outside on the football field. all for AFI. i guess they still think i'm good at computers. oh well. and man, i'm getting really sick of the chinese milita now days. so's deyson and tiffany. as well as everyone else. except for leo, that damn turncoat. what's the vocab word? Leo's a god damned apostate. frickin' who ever heard of a black commie? russians, n. koreans, and chinese are all commies. but they're all white or yellow. the closest you'll get are the socialist rebels in south america. but that's not exactly black. and then there's the anarchists in africa, but that's anarchy, something else entirely.

damn leo...

oh, and tonights combat missions pissed me off. alpha team lost tonight because they cheated. but that's not the part that got me angry, i liked their competitors, bravo, because they're like, all swat and kinda the underdogs. so anyway... i was angry because their reasoning to get rid of a certain guy was because he had a redundant skill, so, when they chose a replacement member, they chose a navy seal. so now, that team has 5 navy seals and one LAPD swat guy. that pissed me off. they got rid of someone for having a redundant skill and then they go and get another navy seal to replace him. is that gay or what?

yup i thought so too. you really dont give a shit. oh well, fuck you too.

why am i saying fuck you so much? must be the theme of the entry or something.

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