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2002-02-28 - 9:23 p.m.

i've just had an epiphany. i dont really care to be rich. y'know, a lot of the jobs where the money's at doesn't really appeal to me. i'm not saying that i'd like to get back with the people, and give back to the community and crap, because i dont. i'd rather just have a job with mild interaction with peers and where the money's good enough to live comfortably. i dont want to have to deal with customers and stuff like that, nor do i want to be burdened with the responsibility of a high-paying job. i've become just like kevin spacey in american beauty when he quits his job and goes to work at the fast food place. well, minus the fact that i can't quit from a job which i dont hold and the subsequent job at the fast food place because i dont want to work with other peoples food.

anyway, i'll talk more about epihany's later on.

yesterday was the opera. man, did that suck ass.

well, the music was good but the story took too long. and besides, i never really understood the whole opera/musical scene. i cant associate with it because i dont see people breaking into song with every single thing they want to say. i'm one of those guys who prefers the spoken language which i speak with the occasional breaking into song rather than the frickin' singing and dramatics of the stage world. okay, so i do enjoy some plays and movies, but not the overly dramatic types. over dramatics reminds me of drama queens. i dont really dig drama queens. unless they're funny because funny cures everything.

however, i did have a frickin light bulb go off in my head during the opera. earlier that day, i had been playing GTA3 at randi's house and there was this one mission i could get half way done, but not the rest of it. (thank you captain states the obvious.) okay, this is the mission, i have to go run someone over on top of the parking structure on the second island. well, i had been going about the mission the wrong way. after i had gotten the cartel crusier (the specified vehicle for the mission), i would drive up to the roof of the parking structure. once there, i would proceed to run over kenji. however, once that part was done, i'd try to go back down the parking structure. this is where i go wrong. by the time it takes me to make it to the ramp and slow down, my truck is all shot to hell and i'm burning and the missions over. so, while i was watching the opera i devised this plan. on the roof of the parking structure is a ramp to go off the room so you can get "insane stunt bonus" money. well, i was thinking about that and it struck me, why not run over kenji and then take the ramp off the roof! that way i can get in, bump kenji and fly off and make some money off of the stunt bonus on the way out. it was a perfect set up! too bad i didn't get a chance to try it because i dont own the game either. well, at least i'm smart enough to figure things out for retard randi.

i knew i was useful for something.

oh, and another thing i got to thinking about while watching the opera. just because i dont really enjoy the whole "cultured" world, does this make me an uncultured swine? i'm not sure. i mean, by deffinition, those of cultural status all enjoy the classics such as opera's, classical and romantic era music and arts, etc. i on the other hand enjoy lee cataluna plays, rock n roll and hip-hop, action and comedy movies, and comic book art. does this make me a phillistine? nothing but a hoi polloi? oh wait, i am just a common man, but yeah. am i still nothing but a uncultured swine? i dont know. but it doesn't matter to me. i'm never gonna be rich so i'll never have to deal with being forced into the world of cultural correctness.

for some reason, i'm reminded of the a comic strip i read today. a guy is standing behind a podium recieving the Nobel Prize for something... in his speech bubble it says "Ever since i set out to prove Murphy's Law to be correct, i married a supermodel, won the lottery, and now this." some funny shit eh?

so yeah, after the opera, which i burnt my tongue during intermission trying to down a coffee to stay awake, me and randi found royden, fatass, and crystal. we all decided to go to jacks, but when we got there, it was kinda crowded so we went to zippy's just on the next block. we ate and talked. well, mostly i talked because i've got diarreah of the mouth... or was that gonorrhea? oh well, i didn't shut up. we talked about every thing from royden being whipped to my wet dreams with my candle. yes, it was time well spent. crystal also came further to the conclussion that me and randi should get married (for real), and that if she ever went out on a date, she'd like to have me and randi along just to keep things loose. but then she got scared that we'd scare her date in which instance she'd say that she just picked us up off the street and we're actually prostitutes who dont have sex. i was sad at that part. i really would've liked to have sex with crystal's date who ever he may be.

i think jesse is having an influence on my humor. i've been making a lot more sodomy jokes recently.


anyway, we all went home after that and i crashed.

only to wake up and realize that it's only thursday.

oh well...

time flies when you force yourself into having fun.

and i can make anything fun. anything...

well, except sodomy.

so yeah... in period 2 we continued to watch renissance man. it's a pretty good movie. i guess that's what you get when you put danny devito in an army environment.

and in period 4, jesse was drawing what i guess could be called "political cartoons" although the closest they come to politics would be the facistness of the security. well, as long as they leave me alone, i'll be neutral towards them, even though i know they do the wrong things.

i think that we should do a drug test on security. i dont really trust them. not at all...

and in period 5 i turned away free food. but it was because i didnt donate blood and i felt bad about taking food away from those who were. i would've donated blood if royden that retard had given me my form with enough time to get it signed. i told him that i'd specifically donate under his name. but the moron didn't give me a form and so... no blood was given through my veins. oh well.

during lunch, at the free thinkers club meeting, for a while i was the only non-officer there, then george and royden came. gee, you'd think that with the ammount of royden mentions in here, that it was me who was infattuated with him. haha, i said "fat." but yeah, so anyway, ryan (akamine) was asking people why we don't believe in God or what we do for that matter. well, they ran out of time before they got to me, but ryan was saying something about how the same actions in your brain happen when your praying and then have an epiphany from god or something like that are the same reactions in your brain when you have an orgasm. so me, being entirely bored and looking for some attention i blurt out to ryan "so it's like a hands free orgasm?" making completely sure i have a dead pan look on my face. everyone in the room cracks up, even gushiken. and then ryan, still laughing says "yes." me, not being content with just that, i ask (somewhat sacraligiously) "so God, is giving me a hand job?" by the time i finish this, the room completely errupted with laughter. i swear to god, the entire room was laughing. all 7 of them. i had to keep my composure otherwise it wouldn't have been as funny to me specifically. oh well, i'm sure i've established myself as the groups pervert/humorist. yes! mission accomplished.

and then i went to period six where i slept. and slept good.

actually, not really becuase when i woke up i was still tired.

oh well... maybe i'll sleep early tonight. hah! not bloody likely!

Previously on - Currentlier

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