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2002-03-02 - 10:43 a.m.

okay, so yesterday was a friday. that my friends means it's the best day of the school week.

so this is how it breaks down:

per 1- worked on a power point presentation

per 2- almost failed a test for vocab

per 3- watched kyle freak out about getting a C in news writing along side jenna. me and dick making fun of everyone. negotiating whether or not we should cut. alyssa and ashley trying to secure a seat in dick's car when we do cut. and finally me trying to print something with my computer curse and then negotiating my grade with hamel.

per 4- what period four? i cut. yup, me, dick, alyssa (cause ashley was a turd and didn't want to come with us), and jesse all left school. dick got cold feet and almost didn't come with us. it's really easy to cut at roosevelt, you just gotta walk like you're going to the gym, when you're going to the gym you just gotta calmly walk down to the parking lot and open the car and get in and stay calm, dont rush or else you'll look suspicious. then, drive out nice and safely. it's all good. well, we didn't know what we wanted to do so we made dick get some gas. gave him $10 and made alyssa pay for the pump and then we made alyssa get the $.60 change too. she was our bitch for the trip. we eventually drove through waikiki and to kahala to eat lunch at L&L Drive Inn. it was kinda pitiful eating lunch there when you think about it. but yeah. jesse kept it interesting. there was this guy sitting otuside and jesse said something and dick said something about jesse being stupid and jesse goes "i wasn't talk to you dick. i was talking to this man out here. 'it's okay man, i know life is depressing, but you just gotta move on.'" and we all started to crack up relly baddly when he said that because we all looked at the guy for the first time and he looked sad, it was so appropriate. but from then, jesse couldn't stop. he kept making jokes at everything and wouldn't stop. he even told us to shut up because we were just encouraging him. it was funny. after we finished lunch, we left and jesse told dick to drive slower and dont jerk because he was feeling sick. that was kinda scary cause none of us wanted jesse to hurl in the car. luckily i had watched what i ate very carefully so we wouldn't have a repeat of last weekend.

we made it back to school with time enough to spare and we weren't caught, but todd that dick head took up two spaces with his 240sx. so it took dick some time to park. todd is such a fucker. i never liked him.

per. 5- i just chilled as usual.

per. 6- i took a mean ass shit which even made deyson cringe. when deyson cringes, you know its bad. yes! i win.

and after school i played video games. i love video games. i love them so much. so much that i want to marry them. yes, i want to get married to video games.

and at around 8:30 pm, randi picked me up on her way back from judo and i played video games at her house. i also came to the conclussion that i'm only going out with her to use her for her video games. or no wait... she came to that conclussion. but it's perfectly fine with the both of us because i provide her with countless hours of entertainment. yes! more video games for me!

and i came home at about 1:30 or 2 am so i slept till 10 today. and now i'm going to go watch more TV.

Previously on - Currentlier

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