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2002-03-03 - 3:06 a.m.

its three something in the morning and i'm awake because i drank like three 180's. wow, two three's and a number divisible by three... the world must be coming to an end or something.

psh, beats me. i probably wouldn't notice.

anyway, my nipples are cold because i was sitting without a t-shirt on for a while and drinking ice water. but i dont think the ice water directly affected my nipple temperature. i think it was more the ambient temperature that made them cold. the ice water was more of a contributing factor.

but it's okay because i put on a t-shirt, so they should be warming up pretty soon.

well, anyway, today i watched a NASCAR race, part of an IRL race, and those good car shows on TNN.

ah, i think i'm an idiot because i read and try to learn so much about cars, but i probably couldn't change the Civic's oil if i needed to.

but... anyway

i went to the state tournement for wrestling today. man, whit and sheri looked like they were gonna cry 'cause they got so bus' up. frickin' crazy they is. it made me wish i had joined wrestling back in the days.

judo too.

oh well, i knew i wasn't cut out for sports anyway. unless you count drill team as a sport. but then again, no one even realizes that drill team isn't the same thing as the dancing drill team. but yeah... oh well, at least i can shoot things pretty good.

well, after wrestling, me and randi left early because she had a "family dinner" to go to. so she dragged me along to her house and i ate dinner with her immediate family and two uncles. they're cool. everyone's cool.

and then we watched TV and played video games till like 2 when she took me home.

i swear to god that my entries get really boring if i'm a little bit tired.

like this one? this entry sucks fat ass. it's like, the ass is being fucking rimmed or something. it's sucks so much ass, it'd make a gay man's asshole pucker.

is that vivid enough for ya?

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