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2002-03-03 - 9:36 p.m.

okay, so uh...

its sunday and nothing ever happens on sundays. no i'm pretty sure stuff happens, just not interesting stuff.

well, before i went to sleep i got out my trusty ol' sleeping bag. why? i'm not sure, i think it was because i was cold and i felt like using my sleeping bag. it's not that my regular blanket wasn't warm enough, i just felt like using a sleeping bag.

so, yeah, i slept. and i woke up. and i fell back asleep again. and i woke up again for the same reason. and i walked around, and then i went back into my room and i fell asleep again. and i woke up a third time for the same reason i woke up the last two times and i thought to myself "holy shit! i cant believe that happened three times in one day. and i thought twice was bad." well, if you can figure that out, i'll let you go throw up now, but for the rest of you who're too stupid to figure it out read on.

i went driving to practice my parallel parking. hopefully, when i go up for my test again, i'll nail that parallel like i nail the one i like to call "randy."

no, i dont nail randy. but i do hit randi. why do i hit a girl with a guys name? because she hits me first. and if she doesn't hit me first, it's a premptive strike because i know she'll hit me if i give her enough time.

shit, i should print up my stuff for news writing.

God is evil.

he's got a war against me. he's corrupted my disk with my article, all my photos, and even my underwear have all been soiled by his spite. okay, well, it hasn't really been soiled, but they've pretty much been screwed up. i need to tell hamel this. she'll have a good laugh at it.

oh lord. this means i need to type the whole fricking two pages again. tomorrow morning. argh!

i want to cry. and beat up all computers. especially those in hamel's room. i think they've spread the curse.

it's the curse 2.0. either that or it's god. he's doing this to me to spite me for saying that hand job comment on thursday.

evil evil god...

i'm all lost as to where i was during my day time... hold on while i check.

okay, well, when i came home i watched TV because it's what i'm good at. and then i fell asleep again.

and when i woke up, my parents were leaving. so i went back to sleep.

and then i got mad at my computer because it was being bastardly slow.

you know what? i can't write. why? because i'm sad. i'm sad that god is out to get me. so i made a little light hearted joke towards his being. so what? why does god have to be all so god damned vindictive. even i'm not that vindictive. especially not for a joke. what is god? are you some kinda homophobic bastard who can't take a sex joke directed at you? you're such a fucker. you wonder why people dont follow your ass sometimes. fucker.

Previously on - Currentlier

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