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2002-03-04 - 8:31 p.m.

well, my theory stands true. if i wake up feeling good, it's a crappy day. if i wake up feeling very very angry and wanting to beat up old women with a baseball bat grand theft auto style, then it's a good day.

i'd settle for something in the middle.

speaking of "the middle," tonight was/is the jimmy eat world concert. did i go? obviously not. why not? because i'm not really that big a fan of emo nor do i wish to spend $17.

well, anyway, getting back to today.

i woke up feeling very angry because i didn't get a good nights sleep for many reasons. 1) i stayed up writing erin a letter asking her to be randi's replacement. no, not really. i was just responding to her. we write letters to each other every once in a while because we dont get to talk too much. yeah, that's what sucks living in different time zones. her in liliha and me in makiki. 2) because i ended up watching TV. i watched that Gut Busters show on discovery channel. it was ammusing watching the little japanese guys decimate the competition. c'mon, whats not funny about little japanese guys lighter than 120 lbs completely whooping huge ass black and white guys who are easily 2� times their weight? yeah, i think the closest american was like, 23 hot dogs or something. the two japanese guys ate 32 and 50 hot dogs. you should've seen the guy who ate 50, he was just going without slowing down. it was like crazy! oh, and then i watched a re-run of combat missions. and the last reason was because i had some painful painful boners.

yes, that was the main reason. i dont even know why i had them. i wasn't thinking anything sexual, i think it's just god getting in his last cracks at me. that fucker.

i'll get back at him...

no, i wont. how the hell do you get back at God?

anyway... and then so i woke up and as i was waiting outside for randi, this old lady walked into my building and as she was walking, she was staring me down. i swear to god i was getting some nasty stink eye from her. i wanted to fucking beat her down! i swear to god, i was ready to just spit at her and crack her good. but i knew i couldn't so i waited for her to turn around and i flicked her off... with my hand in my sweatshirt. bitch.

well, when randi picked me up, she drove to school and the whole time, i barely moved. like i sat down in the seat and i didn't even bother to put the seat belt on correctly. she's got that automatic door belt thingy and so instead of putting my arm through it, i just sat there with it going across my body and arms. thats how tired i was. and then she paid for my $.35 breakfast which was cheerios with four packs of sugar for energy and some milk. luckily the milk didn't give me gas.

well, i spent the rest of the morning talking to jesse and went to class. i spent leadership doing nothing. i spent english doing nothing. and in news writing, i wasn't there.

i went to go take my road test.


well, i got there about an hour early and so i got a drink from shiro's at dillingham. once me and my mom finished our drinks, we went inside, and then i went on my test, about 30 minutes early. my tester wasn't as nice as the guy i had last time, but then again, it hardly seemed like he cared. he just told me "go right. go left. go straight. go left. go right. change lanes. yada yada yada..." and next thing i know, he's telling me to turn into the parking after the mailbox. it took so fast i thought i had failed. i was thinking, "okay? what'd i do wrong? shit! i dont know! how'd i fail!?" and then the guy tells me "congratulations ryan, you passed." whoa! "yes!" and it was all good. shit, i didn't even need to parallel. hah! now i can mock randi because i passed on my second try. whoo!

but the others are still gonna make fun of me. probably my sister mostly.

anyway, after that i went to zippys with my mom so she could pick up some chilli tickets for a fund raiser she's doing and so i could grab lunch. y'know what i bought? onion rings and a mountain dew. it's like, my standard now. onion rings and a drink of some sort, sometimes i'll get an icee if i'm looking for something smooth, and other times i'll get a mountain dew if i'm looking for a boost. and while i was still razzed about getting my license, i still needed that jolt of caffine.

if only i could find the mountain dew slurpees...

well, after that i came to school just in time for lunch. it was great. miss two classes, no homework, but my teachers preaches class like i'm some kinda jerk. bonus puntos to whoever knows what song i just sang. and no, my teachers aren't jerks. none of them are actually. i love my life sometimes.

anyway, period 5 was the usual, deliver notes and read the news paper. but kaneshiro was there and she was asking me about college. i think she wanted me to join the military, but i was like "no, fuck that." and so she asked me what i had planned. so i told her paper shuffling 101. she asked me what college i wanted to go to and i told her one of the CC's, despite everyones objections. well, she asked if i was going to apply to UH, and i told her only because everyone's making me. she asked what my SAT's were and i told her i didnt know so she got my stuff and then she told me that i wouldn't get in. i told all of you. fuckers. but no one wanted to listen to me. it's so embarrasing not getting in to UH. shit, everyone goes there. its like, almost as bad as chaminade. only, not quite. but yeah, and i was arguing with my mom about that tonight too. i was telling her that i fucking told her i wouldn't get in, but that she wouldn't listen. i told everyone i wouldn't get into UH, but no one listened. well, HA! fuck you all! i told you UH wouldn't accept me.


and in period 6, i got to work in solitary. just the way i like it. they put me in the back to disassemble rifles. just what i'm good at. taking shit apart. i got through four rifles in about half an hour. on wednesday, i think i'll do the rest if i can. i'm pretty good at that whole taking rifles apart thing. i even have a little corner of the room with all my shit there. it consists of a screw driver, i big ass screw driver that wont work on the screws in the rifles but i use for bashing, a scissors, and deysons pocket tool. i intend to add a mallet and a hacksaw to my trusty set of tools. i'm like the master at improvising tools and shit.

no, not really.

well, anyway, after school i went to news writing to type up my shit since my disks dont work. so i was working on my story and kyle came in and didn't kill me out right for working on the G3. well, he did try biological warfare. he was farting, but i couldn't smell anything. i guess his farts are like grenades. if you're close enough, they dont affect you. but hamel sure got a whif of it, and even kyle said that it was bad. but i still didn't smell anything. but don't think i'm complaining god dammit. i'm glad i couldn't smell that stuff.

and so, yes. that concludes my day.

now fuck off.

Previously on - Currentlier

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