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2002-03-11 - 9:14 p.m.

todays monday, right?

it doesn't feel like a monday. no, seriously, it doesn't. i dont know why either.

so, anyways, i woke up and my mom told me it was ten-till-seven. i was like, "oh damn. randi's gonna be here. dammit, it's too early to see her. fuck... she's got a car. i need her, for now."

actually, no. what was going through my mind was "10 minutes? i got plenny of time to get ready. i can do it in 8 without even straining my non-smokers smokers lungs."

and i did it, in five minutes or so i was done. yeah, new record. i think it is anyway. so i went down stairs and i waited for randi for a good few minutes and she came and i took the wheel and we drove to school where brian was parking. me being the devious bastard i am, i pulled in inches from his car. it was so close you wouldn't be able to get in or out of either of our cars. but i felt bad so i pulled out and reversed into another stall quite crookedly. i'm not good on inclines and with a car with bad alignment. actually, no. i'm not good at parking period. except for that parallel parking. that's like, my domain. hah! i doubt it. i dont like parking because it's hard for me and it usually signifies the end of my drive, and i like driving too much.

so, yeah, nuff of that babbling. anyway, after i parked, me and rabbit girl left the car and erin had just parked her truck, so i put the tailgate down for her and left. chris, dick, and kato saw me do that and yelled "yeah!" or something like that.

on my way up to period 1, them smokers lungs kicked in. i swear to god, i felt winded walking up the stairs. i could also attribute it to my partial cold. yeah, that stuffed nose really makes it hard to get an adequate ammount of oxygen. i know what you're all saying "yeah righ! out of shape boy!" well this is what i say to all of you: "yeah, you probably are right."

and when i walked into the room, the first thing elyse says is "wow ryan! how come you're dressed up!" and it's funny because all i was wearing was an overshirt. and the other thing is that it wasn't the first time it happend today either. at least two people asked why i was dressed up. silly people. and then elyse told teruya, and teruya said she didn't even notice. she said that all she usually notices is my hair. i happen to be quite pleased with my hair. it makes me... unique. and according to some people i look like gohan. or actually, one person, but she's an idiot and her name is randi. so it's okay.

well, in period four, whats her face, williams, is going through her certification for that teacher thing, and so she had to film her classes, so she made all of us sit in desks today. it was pretty interesting because this was the first time in a LONG time that i had payed attention to her lectures and i was speaking and all that kinda stuff. i'm sure i came off as stupid on the camera but that's okay because marine science is my desginated "act really retarded class" which actually speaks volumes about how i am in news writing. it's just because i know how to work the teachers. in leadership and english, i'm kinda quiet and loud at times because i know thats how to stay on teruya's good side. in news writing, i'm loud, obnoxious, and funny, because thats what hamel likes to see. in marine science, i'm stupid and horny, because that's the kinda stuff williams finds funny. in period 5, i'm myself because boss is there. and in period six, i basically dont talk to anyone 'cept deyson, tiff, eric sometimes, and the special ed guys to keep conflict at a low. oh and i'm usually found in the back fixing rifles now to keep exposure to rotc at a minimum.

anyway... in williams' class we talked about mollusks and i found out that while me and jesse got D's on our last test, dick failed. the funny thing is he's the one who took all the notes and gave us all the answers. yeah, we copied off of him and he failed and we didn't. i didn't understand it, but whatever.

in period 3, me and randi named the new computer "lancer" because the screen is a mitsubishi screen. i think we should change it's name to "LanEvo VII" just because that's the good version.

and i finally went back to period 5. no one said a thing, i guess they dont really expect much of TA's in there anyway because they cut most of the time. well, i desreved the break anyway. i do all the fucking walking to G-bldg. for everyone.

and in rotc, i pieced together 3 rifles in about oh, 20-30 minutes. one of 'em took me only five minutes. so i guess i'm getting better at it.

and after school i went driving with randi. but before we left, i let jevon get out of his stall, and when he was backing up i started to honk at him. like, not just one short honk, but a series of short repitious honks and then when he was mid way, he turned my way and flicked me off which caused me to honk even more. so what happend next you ask true-believers? (bonus puntos if you know who says "true believers." chad, i expect you to know this one) i followed him. i tailed his ass from here to makiki where i "raced" him on wilder street. it wasn't really racing because we were both going about 30 mph at the most. okay, so it was just me speeding by, but he knew what i was getting at.

after that, me and randi went to jack's on beritania i think. i dont know, i forget. but yeah. we ate curly fries and had a drink each. it was good because she payed for the food.

i love my mac-momma because she's making me fat. well, her and her mother and her grandmother.


and then we came back to my place and slept off the jack's. or at least tried to. first i was bothering her, and then when i tired myself out, she bothered me so no one got sleep. all we got was some sex. god dammit, i was tired.

and when she left i played video games and then got to sleep.

ahh, sleep and video games, the only thing missing from today was driving.

but that came later. yeah, i went driving to manoa to look for a magazine and buy a box of raisins for my mom. i cant believe that at longs, i had the choice of two lines to pay for my box of raisins. one had a somewhat attractive chick, and the other had some nerdy looking guy. i went to the guy. i guess i am homosexual. either that or impatient. the guy's line was empty.

but yeah, fucking longs and safeway didn't have the magazine i was looking for. faggots. so i went home slightly salty. i guess i'll have to drive to ala moana tomorrow night.

y'know, i've done all my driving at night, i think i might be growing owl eyes. either that or it just proves that i need my own car with a job for gas money.

what a loser i am.

Previously on - Currentlier

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