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2002-03-13 - 9:51 p.m.

i failed rotc today. yup, the whole quarter of doing as little as possible just went down the tubes. the chinese milita caught me not wearing my uniform yesterday so they told on me because they're snitches. fuck, i never ever told on anyone. i even told someone where to take off their uniform. i guess that's what sepparates me from them. i aint no fucking snitch.

fuckers... all of them. fuckers. and they wonder why some people dont like them.

well, anyway... yesterday, before news writing, i saw nathan wearing this stupid crocdile dundee/hunter outfit. so anyway, i was talking to randi i think it was, or maybe it was richard. i was talking to someone and they asked me "have you seen what nathan is wearing?" to which i responded "fuck yeah. some kinda stupid fucking crocodile dundee outfit. fucking kick his ass." and then randi tries to turn me around, but it wasn't fast enough so i was like "what?" and she told me that he was standing right behind me. "who?" i asked. "nathan!" she said. i was like... "oh... hehe... did he hear me?" i asked kinda excitedly. and she said "i think so." so i asked "what'd he do?" and randi told me he wasn't sure wether or not to be scared. oh well...

and then, today, he showed up in news writing. he was sent by cordero to log all our computers and it was funny because everyone was very angry at him being there. you could tell that there was tension with him being there. like, the room quieted down and everyone was like "what the fuck is he doing here." hahaha... i wonder if he knows how much we dont like him.

and it's funny because the one person who dislikes him the most is jesse. jesse is like, the nicest guy i know. he's willing to throw down money for anyone. he's really a nice and generous guy. me and blair were talking about it and we both really like jesse. only i think i love him more on account of the sodomy.

haha... no.

and uh... speaking of jesse, today we had a lab in marine science where we had to disect a squid and stuff. jesse was our cutter-opener person. our group had me, dick, jesse, james, and justin. hey, that's three j's and two r's. anyway... we ended up throwing down a total of $9 to see james eat a squids sac as in testes and another squids eggs. we told him that if he ate them, then they'd grow inside of him and he'd shit out baby squid. i felt bad for doing it, but he needed the money. so, whatever...

he actually ate it too. chewed and swallowed. crazy fucker.

well, actually, that was for the most part the best part of my day. oh, but after school i had practice for the prom fashion show. yup, i'm in the prom fashion show. me. i laugh at that. anyway, i had to practice my one line: "oh, okay. see you guys later. bye." i think i got it right. yeah. thats my one line. crazy aint it? i think so... anyway. thats all the important stuff. i'm gonna go watch TV now. buh-bye.

Previously on - Currentlier

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