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2002-03-14 - 9:21 p.m.

i'm on my dad's laptop right now. the keyboard is really nice. it's all soft and shit. it makes punching the keys all the more pleasureable. almost, erotic. no, not really.

i think that my equivalent to jenna's "only not" would be "no, not really." we both say them in the same context. well, sorta anyway.

so, whats new?

oh, wait... thats what y'all would be asking me, right?

why am i asking you questions? beats the hell outta me. anyway...

so, last night was "combat missions" and as we all know, it's about the only show i watch religiously anymore. i mean, i still love TV, but "combat missions" is good enough for me to ask my dad to tape it if i'm not home or anywhere to watch it. yes, it's that bad. i gotta make sure to be home on wednesday night two weeks from now.

god damn, speaking of two weeks from now, i can't wait for spring break. i'm going to stay out late and sleep in later. well, i dont know. knowing me, i'd stay awake at home and wake up no later than 10 or 11 the next morning. i hope i have something to do. maybe i'll learn to drift my mom's civic during that week down makiki heights drive. hah! yeah right!

i'll use someone elses car.

anyway... i went driving this afternoon. i've found my favorite roads in the area. one is the road passing kerin's house because it's a nicely paved piece of road that's kinda twisty, but flat enough for me to go fast and wide enough for a margin of error. and then, there's makiki heights drive. i love that road because it's all twisty uphill and even twistier down hill. not to mention it can be dangerous because it's a narrow road. a nice and narrow twisty road. if there weren't so many damn houses around there, i'd be all like "hill climb race!" i'm sure so would other people.

man, that would kick ass. i bet a lot of other guys who have brand new Subaru Impreza WRX's would be all up there. racing their all-wheel-drive turbo-charged flat fours up that hill! VROOOOOM!!!

oh lord, what a dream... stupid mass populations.

so, anyway...

today, i woke up and i felt like shit. like, i really didn't want to be awake. i was all tired. i mean, super tired. well, to explain how tired i was, let me tell you what i found ammusing. i was eating my breakfast and i realized "hey, this is gay. they give us milk and an orange half. that's not cool. it's like a tease." so, anyway, i decided to drink my milk because milk is what makes my bones strong, and i like strong bones. so, anyway, i started to drink my milk and then i realized, "hey, i can't finish this," so i put my milk down and looked at my orange. "hmm..." i thought to myself. i pulled open my milk cartoon and picked up the orange and then i squeezed the orange inside the milk. i squeezed that bitch good. and then, when i was done, i threw the orange peels inside the milk. it was a vain attempt at making curdled milk or orange milk in the process. and then, i went around showing it to people. i was sad though, it didn't curdle. damn...

and then i went with dane to the library so he could make a copy of my homework.

and during period 2, i was the ONLY person done with my Hamlet logs so i read my book report book. Fareniheit 451 is a pretty good, but hella weird book. kinda makes me think...

anyway, as the period progressed on, i fell asleep and when i woke up, the period had been over for about a minute or two and chris told me that i was snorring. it wasn't loud snorring, but it was snorring.

not to mention i was all discombobulated walking to my next class.

well, when i got there, the doors were locked and so i was talking to shannon. i dont recall anything i said to her. not one thing. anyway, when the bell rang and our teacher wasn't there, i went to boss' office. i just left. and then, boss told me to go back to class. but i talked to kurihara first about auditing rotc. she actually let me go through with it. all i needed to do was to get three signatures. my parents, major kimura, and hers/administration. life kicks ass when you're able to control the system.

anyway... when i went back to class, it was that guy mr. coleman. not the cool english teacher coleman, but the angry guy who watches basketball coleman. we had to take notes for the whole period. well, considering that i was about 10 minutes late to class, i finsihed my notes with about 10 minutes left to go, so i left the room with the bathroom pass and went next door to lee's class. well, i didn't go in it because i hate her, but i did hang outside and i talked to ashley for a bit and then i told her to tell erin to sneak out so i had someone to talk to. so when she was able to convince lee that she had to go use the bathroom, she snuck out and we talked on the stairway for the rest of the period. all 10 minutes.

and then i went to period 5. i was so tempted to cut period 5 too. but i didn't. i wish i had. i had to walk up to G-bldg. like, four, five, six times. i dont know, i lost count. oh man, and i also walked to C-bldg. at least two or three times. not to mention i also went to N-bldg. like five times. oh god, i had so much exercise.

and at lunch, i had a free thinkers meeting. those are always fun for me because i usually just make fun of everyone with snide remarks directed at no one. anyway, today we were supposed to debate a bible scripture with three "edge" members who came. for those of you who dont know, "the edge" is a christian based (but not limited to) club that replaced the manna club of last year. anyway, it ended up being tiffany yuen, john thipavong, ryan akamine, and that VP guy that i dont know talking with elyse (sp?) and brett while me and shannon laughed at their stupidity with me yelling things out in the middle trying to get tiffany to shut up. her "free lance christian" idea is so stupid that i wanted to slap her. anyway... i got in a few cracks at her. we had to introduce ourselves and ryan did his thing, shannon did her thing, elyse did her thing, and me being a ham said "hi, my name is ryan, and i'm an alcoholic" in a voice so monotone that it could almost be real. everyone laughed. and then tiffany, being next to me had to try and show me up "hi! my name is tiffany! and i was in "godspell!" of course no one cared. the most anyone said was "what the fuck is that?" and she showed us a photo of it so what'd i do? "yes! alright!" and i clapped really loudly. you could tell i was being very sarcastic, but i dont think she caught on. oh well... i did get to make snide remarks about her anyway.

life is good being a bastid.

and in period 6, i gave major my audit paper and i went straight to work on them rifles. i had to scrounge up parts from everywhere. like, i had to run up to the trainers room three or four times just to get more parts. by the end of all my parts runs, i had found only enough parts for three rifles. it took me longer to put the rifles together than it should've because twice i had to dissassemble them twice to fix the rifles because some of them were all fucked up. but i had finished them with plenty of time to spare. not to mention i managed to fuck up my right hand quite a bit. it's little bit blistered and i'm sure there's gonna be callus where i used to have callusses. the skin is all tender too. not to mention that my thumb was used to stop my hands momentum by slamming into a screw. yeah, so i got a cut on my hand not from a screw driver, but the screw itself.

oh, y'know what's kinda funny? today, as i was walking back from one of my trips to N-bldg. i was thinking, "gee, i dont look at the papers i deliver. i could be a document destroyer. if only enron had me..." yeah, i work both sides of the system. on one hand, i can destroy papers with the best of them, on the other hand, i audited kyle the other day. i'm playing both sides of system. i'm such a retard.

uh... yeah... and uhm... hmm...

well, me and randi also managed to cross eachother without even knowing it after school. apparently, when i walked from the front of the school down to the trainers room, she was in hamels looking for me. so we sorta just missed eachother which means taht we didn't pass eachother. well, anyway. we were both at opposite ends of the school at opposite times. so both of us walked for nothing. god dammit, i hate it when that happens. anyway, we eventually found eachother thanks to the magic of cellular phones. and then she gave me a ride home. i love cars.

i wonder how much longer till someone challenges me to a race in my civic?

Previously on - Currentlier

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