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2002-03-17 - 3:26 p.m.

wow man, since thursday i never update. geez... must've been a good weekend for me.

well, anyway...

i've been challenged to two races in my guestbook. that's pretty funny. jevon drives a corolla. i'd challenge him, but only in my mom's civic and not randi's escort because the escort is a piece of crap. plus, the civic's alignment is straight. however, melissa challenging me, that scares me. her Bimmer, a 53something-or-other, it's got a nice 'ol V8 in it. that scares me. its only got TWICE as many cylinders as my civic. for that, i'd have to steal my dad's accord before i even give that a thought. but, i dont race so hah.

but, speaking of racers... on friday night, i left randi's house at around 1:30 so i went driving. i just drove in random directions and i ended up going through liliha and part of kalihi. i tell you, it was just like tokyo xtreme racer zero. modified cars everywhere. man, everything from japanese, to european, to go 'ol domestics. crazy stuff... but oh geez, i ended up jumping on to the pali for a little bit and i was all freaked out like "dude... i'm a teenager driving a civic at 2 in the morning. i hope no on pulls up behind me and tries to get me to race. that'd just be embarrasing." and the same thoughts crossed my mind as i pulled onto the H-1 too.

it's times like that that i wished i drove a neon.

but earlier on friday...

i got to school all jazzed that the UH game was gonna be on. this after i had had a kick ass morning. but because of this kick ass morning, i was all sad. my life is like this: if my morning is good, then the day is bad. if my morning makes me want to beat up old ladies for looking at me the wrong way, then the rest of the day is good.

this was a good morning.

so anyway, once school started, the day went down hill.

in period 1, teruya yelled at us, not that it really bothered me, but it took time out of me speaking. oh, and we met some people from castle. some girl whose name beings with an "N" something japanese or something. i forget because she didn't talk much, and her friend Tanya whom micah bothered and randi was scared of.

after that we had an english test. english tests suck because i'm stupid like that. as soon as i finished that i had to go to that thing... the prom fashion show. but i ended up leaving to go watch the first half of the UH game in hamel's room. oh lordy it was a good first half. UH was hot.

at the half me and shannon went back to the show before it started. it was a waste of time for me. micah took one of my two lines. the thing is that it was the line i was originally supposed to say too. what a waste.

and then when i was done i hoofed it up to C-bldg. to watch the rest of the UH game in williams' class. we had a sub that day too: Mr. Galloway, as in Erin Galloway the former UH basketball stand-out.


they lost. i was sad, dick was sad, alyssa was sad, jesse didn't care, nathan got on my bad side yet again to the point where when i told him to shut up he looked a little scared.

and then i ate lunch in a close to morbid silence. but, i managed to cheer myself up by making randi meet tanya after having to chase randi down around A-bldg. well, not really chasing her, but tracking. that turd made me walk around A-bldg. twice, both floors! grr... but i still found her and made her talk to tanya. she was all scared of tanya and ran away. i laughed the whole time.

and in period 5, i went to inouye's class again 'cause boss wasn't there. i really ought to stop doing that.

anyway, in period 6, i managed six pull-ups. that was the good part. the bad part is that my mile time dropped two full minutes from it's peak in my sophomore year. from a 6:50 mile to a 8:50 mile. that's bad.

i should start exercising more... SHOULD.

uh... and then friday night my parents, myself, and randi went to eat dinner at wisteria. i didnt eat much because i had two sandwhiches earlier in the afternoon, so i ended up eating three bites of my hamburger steak. that was sad.

and then i raced randi to her house. or at least attempted to. it ended up with just me following her around manoa. but i did end up going about 45 mph in a few 25 mph zones. let me put it this way, i was going at least 20 mph over the speed limit everywhere i went in manoa.

bad. don't do that. especially if you just got your licenese.


and then we watched TV and played video games like we always do. we really should start making babies with our "our first baby science lab" kit, eh?

anyway, and then i went home and had my little driving fiascos.

on saturday, i played video games all day until randi picked me up and we went to the car show. i was in heaven. man, i sat in a GT 'stang. and the whole time i was sitting in it i was like "i belong here..." and then it struck me, "this would've made a hillarious picture for my article." and then randi made me get out.

i also touched a dodge viper. i could've spunked my pants... man, 7th heaven yo.

i just told my mom that this thing she's wearing makes her look fat.

and then i went to look at the exotics. they had a lotus elyse and three ferrari's. bliss man, bliss.

after the car show we went to that place that randi lives at, a'ala... i mean manoa.

anyway, we stopped at blockbuster on the way and picked up "jay and silent bob strike back" and "state of emergency." let me tell you this, SoE is a fucking kick ass game. randi might tell you other wise, but that's just because she sucks at it.

fuckin' kick ass game.

and then at 2:45 she took me home in the rain driving really slowly the whole time.

when i came home i went on the internet and guess who i ended up talking to till 6:15 in the morning. i bet you'll never guess it. no, really, i doubt you will.


yeah, she was at trevors house and the whole time every once-in-a-while, the topic of micah would come up. and it's funny because she doesn't even really like him. she thinks he's an okay guy and all, but she don't like him. anyway, i'll tell you why.

on thursday, when micah went to castle for interschool, he was bothering her. for the eval, i heard he wrote "she was mean, but nice to me at the same time," "she couldn't keep her eyes off of me," and "i was tired because i kept running through her mind." i laughed, but apparently she didn't. so during period 1 in the morning, she kept telling him to go away when she came to our class to talk to natsumi. YES! that's her name, natsumi. anyway... and micah just laughed at it and kept bothering her, and all this morning, she kept asking questions about him. i laughed a lot. then again, i laugh at everything.

and then i went to sleep and woke up at 2:30ish today.

Previously on - Currentlier

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