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2002-03-26 - 10:35 p.m.

i feel like having hot, disturbingly disgusting, homosexual... i mean sapien. yes, homosapien sex with royden.

you will believe where i am right now.

randi's house. yup, here i am again. why? because i like randi oh so much. *bleh*

anyway... erin t. signed my guestbook "bitch :P" which i'm assuming is in reference to something i wrote in her guestbook. i think i was making fun of her smelling like she speaks. FOUL.

:-D peace erin! i crack myself up sometimes...

okay, so it's all the time.

anyway, today was rather uneventful.

i went to air riflery practice which consisted of me shooting WELL below my new set standards. i did a double standing target, let me put it this way... my average was about 74 pts. per target. i'm aiming for at least 80 standing. gosh... i was so upset at myself because i even shot a 4! a fucking 4! dude, that'd get me laughed out of st. louis. damn man, damn.

randi is moanng behind me.

she's having stomach cramps because i thought it was part one of her cycle when it's really because she drank a citrus squeeze. she also corrected me on how to spell "citrus." and then she laughed at me because i instinctivly typed it incorrectly.

i have to fart. safety.

oh yeah, i also have to write "randi had antlers today."

if any of you can figure out what that means, randi says "kudos."


well, uh...

oh yeah, practice.

at practice, i ended up just fucking around. coach got this gun today, it was all crazy like. crazy.

and horrii was shooting birds too. i still stand by my position of i refuse to shoot birds because it's too fucking easy. they just sit there waiting to get shot. there is absolutly no challenge in it. i like a challenge... but not too hard of a challenge.i should restate that, i like a challenge i can beat. in otherwords, i like something that's hard, but not too hard.

g'nite carli.

hmm... well, after practice, me and randi went to go get some grub at zippys. i ate a chilli cheese fries and she had a saimin and almost died eating it. i still dont understand that. how the hell can people choke on food? it's fucking food god dammit! it goes down no matter what! unless you gag. randi's a butthole. i really dont understand that still yet. when i eat, it never ever chokes me. maybe that's just cause me and food agree too well. "because you're a fat ass" said randi. but in my defense, randi needed my fat ass tonight. i'll get to that in a bit.

after zippy's i went to her house where i chilled and got my fill. i haven't had real caffeine. me and randi had to resort to looking at a can of 180 to figure out how to spell "caffeine." that's the kind of discussions we have. "you spelt it wrong."


"you spelt it wrong. stupid."


"ah nevermind."

"huh? what?"

yeah, that's us.

and after that i went home and did something.

i think i did my homework. yeah, i did. infact, not only did i do it, i also finished it like a geek.

speaking of geeks, yesterday i came to the conclusion that i am becoming a fan boy. yes, i am becoming a fan boy. i was all excited yesterday when i saw a green lantern or a spider man shirt, i can't remember. randi said it was a spider man shirt. the other day in marine science, we were discussing something inside of a mollusk of some sort and it was called "aristotle's lamp" (the conceited bitch. i oughta kick his ass in for being so conceited. too bad he's dead. or i'd kick his ass in for being so conceited). anyway... i started thinking, "hey, that's just like green lantern's lamp that he uses to recharge his ring. and then i started to recite the thing that all green lanterns recite when they recharge their ring. i was reciting it word for word because i knew the whole damn thing. now that my friends is a fan boy. not to mention all the star wars stuff i'm getting all jazzed about. lordy lordy lord... what's happening to me?

randi's ragging on me for supposedly copying jevon.

and now she's using me for heat.

yes, i'll get to that heat thing now i think. screw chronology.

uhm, i need to remember the story first.

oh yeah, after she picked me up to go to jamba juice after judo, we went to that place across the street, uh... what's it called? borders, yeah... so we went to borders and it's an air conditioned store, and randi, being all skinny and wet hair-ish, and drinking a jamba juice, was cold. couldn't figure out why though... so we were in the book section of borders the book store looking at magazines, no, not really, we were looking at books and well, she was getting cold. so after i was done looking, i asked her if she wanted to leave: "hey, randi. do you want to leave since your cold and this store is air conditioned?" and just then one of the workers there started to turn around and she was looking in my face (like she could see the bones and all) and she just finished turnning as i finished saying that and she started to laugh hysterically. like, the whole store heard her laughing. i mean, she sounded like a damn chipmunk. and then the whole store started to laugh. and then the lady shit her pants because she was laughing so loud.

okay, no... that didn't really happen. no one laughed. no one shit their pants. no one laughed like a chipmunk. but the girl did laugh to herself.

and randi just pointed out that i completely forgot what i was gonna write about me and my heat.

even though randi's all hot and bothered right now, she couldn't keep herself warm. she was using me to keep warm. it's a good thing i'm all fatty like. boys, if you want a girl to stick by you and hug and cling you, this is the key. get fat. not too fat where you're freakin' sweating all the time, even in negative degree weather (and i aint talking farenheit), but enough so that you radiate enough heat in an air conditioned area. that my friends is the key. i knew this would pay off some day.

and then... we left and randi refuses to let me drive her cars any more because apparently she still doesn't like my driving even if i can get anywhere a lot more dangerously. randi's dissing that last thing i said saying it doesn't make any sense at all.

but that's okay because it all makes sense in my head. and as we all know, i write to make myself laugh.

it's funny because i laughed at that.

and now i'm here. all hot because randi's all hot and bothered and radiating heat onto me. i should eat that pizza next to me.

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