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2002-03-27 - 11:43 p.m.

to shannon... *i'm leering at you with one eye all squinty like. i'll get back at you...*

for those of you who dont understand that, haha! i laugh at you! or, actually, i would laugh at you, but i can't because i dont know who you are.


anyway, me being the idiot that i am, i woke up and played gran turismo 3 today. i got ONE race complete. in my own defense, it was an endurace race and i wasn't using one of my indy cars. i used the Mazda 787B. man, that car can go really fast, but it handles like shit. i dont get why... i'm so tempted to mess around with the suspension settings that i think i will. oh well, even if it handled like shit, i still won the race. the closest guy was 8 laps behind me. hmm... and let me put it this way. i woke up at 10, i was playing since 10, and i finished the race at like... 1. why'd it take me three hours to finish one endurance race? because i took a break in the middle of playing. i say that i can get away with it because it's like changing drivers at le mans, only i'm not changing drivers, i'm just pausing the game. anyway... the race actually took me ONLY 2 horus and so many minutes... i forget if it was 10 or 30 minutes. oh well... not important to youse guys.

after that, randi came over with lunch. three $.89 hamburgers from mcdonalds. whatta loving bitch, aint she? hmm...

what else?

and then we went to randi's house for dinner after making like... five babies in our baby making kit. okay okay... so it wasn't really making babies because we ended up making carbon dioxide. yes yes... i know breathing and making babies with a baby making kit are so not the same thing, but it sounded funny to me at the time.


after we got to randi's house, i made her watch some online movies at and

one movie that i do remember making her watch was this one of this skyline in japan doing 328 km/h on an open highway. yeah, that's something well over 200 mph. lets see if we can narrow it down a bit... 100 km/h = 62 mph. so... 328 divided by 62 = 200 mph+ ah, i love my own reasoning.

anyway, we ate a really fast dinner and then drove like bats outta hell to pick up lauren and then drove like bats outta manoa to pick up brandon, and then drove like bats outta makiki to ward theaters. it turns out we couldn't use our GMT's at ice age. damn... and then, after we bought tickets to it, it turns out we coulda gotten in free 'cause david was working the door. damn man. damn.

and so, we watched ice age. pretty good movie. i recomend y'all seeing it.

and then, we took lauren to jamba juice where her and brandon shared a jamba juice. and then, randi was feeling hungry so we argued over the best way to get to jack in the box on piikoi. only thing is, i call it piikoi's jacks, she calls it king's jacks. piikoi and king referring to the streets that they're on. the funny thing is, it's the same jacks, cause actually, it's at the corner of piikoi and king. so, yeah...

we were yelling and arguing all the way there only to laugh at it all every minute because we're so like a married couple already.

ahh, good times.

anyway, we ate there with me managing to get an angry look from a stupid haole lady. i was saying how kissing and oral sex aren't the same thing, and i guess she was offended by me talking about oral sex because i kept getting this look like "you really shouldn't be talking about that kinda stuff out loud you stupid insolent teenager." ah fuck you lady.

so, anyway, when i saw her looking at me, i talked about it more. i love pissing off the public that i don't know.




after jacks, randi dropped me off at my car and i drove brandon home while randi drove lauren home. i drove at an average speed of 40 mph. i think brandon was just a smidge scared. the funny thing is, i may speed and take corners kinda fast, but i always come to a complete stop and signal. i hate it when people dont signal. it's the one thing that pisses me off the most. when someone wants to merge infront of me and doesn't fucking signal. bastards...

and then...

i came here and watched combat missions. i love that show. so funny sometimes.

and then the show ended, and i miss it already.

i go now.

i'm going to the beach tomorrow. i feel so... so... weird.

Previously on - Currentlier

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