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2002-03-28 - 10:58 p.m.

today was all like... "what the fuck?"

you know why? because i went to the god damned beach. fuck... fuckit fuck fuck fuck...

i hate the beach. it's got that thing... water. and it's got that other thing... sand. and it's got that other thing... sun. oh, and guys who are in better shape than me. they make me self conscious because it's someplace where i SHOULD take off my shirt but i dont because other people will look at me and go, "he's fat."

you see, i'm really self conscious because i'm at that in-between fat. i'm not fat enough for it to show through my clothes, but i'm fat enough for it to show when it take my shirt off so people will be like, "ah hahahaha! i didn't know he was THAT fat!" and then i get all sad and cry in my hands like this...

oh, but anyway... i woke up this morning and i was like, "dude, this sucks. i have to go to the beach today. maybe i should feign an illness like a broken leg." and then i remembered, i dont have legs to be broken so i threw that idea out the window. and then i ran out of ideas. so then i was like... "ah damn... i gotta go now, dont i?" but no one answered me so i thought there was hope. anyway... randi called me and told me to pick up brandon and so i did... and then we met at randi's house and i follwed her to rainbows in kaimuki. well, that was the original plan, but, randi didn't know where it was. but you know who did know? brandon. you know how he knew? "oh! that's the one by the running room, yeah!" go fig...

anyway, so brandon got us there and randi bought me lunch cause i'm broke as a joke. and then, i was supposed to follow randi to ala moana, but the thing is we got sepparated coming out of the drive way. so me and brandon had to forge our way alone. all scared like because i suck at driving in the city in day time. oh well...

we got there in one piece only managing to piss off a few people. oh, note, speeding really doesn't get you anywhere faster. i tell you, them red lights are the great equalizer. so, anyway... we got to the place like, 5 minutes after randi, but there was like, chokus little kids there. brandon was like "dude, little kids! alright! little kids are cool!"

and i was like "eww! dude, brandon's a pedophile! brandon digs little kiddes like a gross catholic priest!" okay, so i didnt think of the catholic priest part till now, but it would've been super funny.

anyway, we ate, and i wanted to steal a beach ball that blew to our table from the little kids area, but lauren's conscience got to her. dammit, we almost had it.

anyway... after that me and brandon went to go plying frisbee, but we had to be in the water which greatly hindered my performance because i didn't want to get wet. you see, when i go to the beach, i specifically dress non-beach style because i dont want to be forced into the water. so i couldn't really run for the frisbee. and then lauren and randi jumped into the game, this is when the game ended. brandon and lauren got to having sex in the water, so brandon couldn't really throw the frisbee since his head was under the water giving lauren head under the water. yeah... it was pretty bad. so that ended the game, and then i went and sat down on the beach and sulked because i didn't want to be there. i really hate the beach... i know i stated that already. dammit.

anyway... so i sat on the beach and burnt my toes and legs. that's the only part of me that burns. stupid legs...

yeah... and then randi sat down with me... and then lauren and brandon got done having sex in the water and joined us on the beach so me and randi threw rocks at them as they dried. we were trying to throw rocks and make them bounce from one butt to the other. we also burried their feet. well, we burried a foot of each person. and when they tried to threaten us, we reminded them "we can throw sand up your pants from this angle." and then they let us burry a foot. so, yeah. we won. not to mention we each had the keys to the cars.

and then left because i couldn't stand being in the sun anymore. i really hate the beach.

we ended up walking around ala moana with me acting like an idiot the whole time. and then we went to randi's house where we watched brandon and lauren get stupid playing GTA3. after that, i drove lauren home and she got outta the car pretty fast. i dont know why... and then i drove brandon to practice at roosevelt, i saw major kimura who just came back from spring camp, and i laughed at myself. i was like, "hah! that coulda been me... i'm glad it isnt."

fuck rotc man...

stupid fucking chinese milita.

anyway... then i went home, showered, and played a little GTA3. i got to the third island. i'm so proud of myself. and then i went to randi's house to kiss ass. i gave her mom a b-day gift. it was one of those key chain things that hangs around your neck. yeah, i had it and i didnt want it so i gave it away. i figured "ah, what the hell... she's a roosevelt grad, i'll just play off of that." she liked it. or so she acted. so it was all good.

hmm... and then...

yeah, thats all the iteresting stuff. oh, i got like 29 mpg. when i filled up gas tonight. i was happy.

and shit... now, tomorrow, i'm driving elyse and possibly micah to the water park. this is gonna suck ass because i have to remember to drive sane again. but i cant because i hate daytime driving. not to mention i dont know how to quite get there. oh well, at least i'll be lost with a pretty girl who's nice to me. yes! i'd rather be lost with randi because she'll belittle me and make fun of me. that's always fun, but you can't win 'em all.

and hmm... yeah, i can't leave early because i'm pretty sure elyse is gonna wanna stay for the free day there. so, shucks. i'll just bring my book and read. i'm pretty sure i'm behind on reading anyway. i could also take my hamlet book and get started on the next act's reading logs. that'd also be a good idea. nah, i'll just take my book report book.

fuck, i'm such a nerd. lets see, i'm a nerd, a fan boy, a posuer wanna be racer, a wanna be rocker, and a geek. fuck. i oughta be homosexual just to be. nah, exit only.

oh yeah, them people who went to japan are back. whoo! time for royden to lose his cherry!

Previously on - Currentlier

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