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2002-07-17 - 11:21 a.m.

yeah... i'm a bad updater. but in other news...

brett and michelle left a few days ago. i was sad. they were cool.

the rest of them leave tomorrow, i'll be half glad/sad. glad that mimi and her annoyingness will be gone, but sad that christine and diane (who were much cooler than mimi) won't be here. oh well. whatever. more food for me, less competition for the tv.


and two people in my math class asked for my help yesterday too. that made me laugh on the inside (but not on the outside lest i get run over by mertle's festiva or aki's saturn). yeah, so mertle and aki asked for my help on the exact same problem. oh, and mr. berg noticed that i wasn't reading a car magazine and i was reading Silence of the Lambs. he called that book scary. i inted to finish Silence of the Lambs by tonight. i started it two nights ago. i want to read Hannibal after. i like Hannibal Lecter. he's the coolest Cannibal ever created. i dont know any real cannibals or fake for that matter so he wins kinda by default. oh well, he still kicks a lot of ass.

i have a test on friday. oh, and as for my other test i got a 93. why'd i only get a 93 instead of something like a 95? because i rushed (sorta) and forgot to add something or other. yeah... i do silly things like that. brett said he did the same thing too.

i have to register for my classes tomorrow. i also have a chilli dog waiting for me to eat it.

and today i dropped off the car at the service station because the CV boots need to be replaced because i'm a bad driver. actually, it's probably just because i used to rip it around corners and wore the CV boots out.


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