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2002-07-26 - 10:53 a.m.

it's been a really really long time, no?

so yeah... i haven't been doing much of note. just the usual bull-shitting around with minor things of interest blown way out of proportion because of my perception of what's interesting has been completely altered by the constant bordem of life right now. jeez. that. was. a. long. sentance. i hope that evened things out a little.


i went to a thing with some of the news writing folk last night. it was some internet news letter kinda presentation thing that carol fukunaga and david ige (two senators or some shit like that) thought was hot shit. it was rather boring. me and randi amused ourselves by making fun of them on a little piece of paper. we also re-founded-out how very cynical we are. while we were sitting there, we were surrounded by business types and the whole time we were both going "dude... i don't belong here. they're all looking down on us like we're some stupid kids... i want to baseball bat all of these mother fuckers upside the head GTA3 style." okay, so only i was thinking that, randi was probably more along the lines of "i'll cut them up with my katana MGS2 style." and after the presentation, kyle was talking to carol fukunaga for a LONG time and i had to wait for him. so i sat down, drank my water, and ate a piece of banana bread. i dont think anyone noticed me. i was sad. my attention whore side was just let down oh so much.

and after we went to eat dinner at this place where ashley's boyfriend or something or other, dane, works. not the same dane sasaki who lives in the ghettos with me. so, anyways... this place is a saimin house in kalihi. everyone else was all freakin' out "no! we don't want to go into kalihi at night!" blah blah blah... me and ashley were like "what's the big deal? it's fricken' kalihi, yeah... but not like we're gonna get shot or beat up or anything." randi, jenna, hamel, and kyle are all puces. me and ashley are tough cause we know what it's like to live in the urban jungles. kyle was trying to make like he lived in a tougher neighborhood than me. hah! he lives in wahiawa. dude... wahiawa is only for military folk and old people. "i have chicken's running around!" so what? aarika had a cow. i have fricken' micros living on my street with brass spindles on toaster oven racks sticking out of the doors as antennas. so go fuck yourself kyle. i'm more ghetto than you.

anyway, the saimin house was pretty good, but i still like washington saimin better. and believe it or not, but hamel has never ever been to a saimin house before. whatta maroon...

oh, the other day, when i was taking randi home from work, we were at this really really small intersection by the entrance to mid-pac. so, i'm at the stop light and there's this HUGE truck waiting to turn right onto the street i'm on. so he starts making the turn, but he's too wide. if he had gone forward, he would've run over my car. so me and randi are kinda like "holy fuck..." so i put it into reverse and go back about half a cars length. the truck starts moving forward again. and again he still can't make the turn, so this time i go all out. check my mirror's put it back into reverse, and go back about two car lengths and up on the curb (good thing it was a low curb). the truck just barely makes it past me. we shaka and man, that was scary.

hmmm... what else?

oh, i finally played risk 2210 couple of weeks ago. it's even better than regular risk even though dae won screwed me over both times i played. the first time we played risk 2210, he purposely killed me off on the very last turn. i was just short of winning my first game of risk EVER. but, instead, dennis won. that's the second time i lost a game of risk because of dae won. he never stops anyone else from winning except for me.

it bites being me sometimes.

oh, and if you haven't read randi's diary, choke long time ago, diane guys left.

hmmm... oh, more people are gone from my math class too. lets see...

that girl vana who was on crack or something. this girl ashley who sat in the back and was quiet. aki, the girl with the tattoos. tanya, another crack addict or something. i think that's it.

i wonder who'll drop next?

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