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2002-07-28 - 3:31 a.m.

i know this is really mean and shit, but i'm getting really sick of everyone whos leaving that's saying stuff like "oh, i'm sad that i'm leaving and i'll miss all my life long friends blah blah blah blah blah blah blah yammer yammer yammer blaber blaber blaber frickety frack..." who gives a fuck. y'know, you made the choice to leave, deal with it. you always knew you'd lose friends after high school, and you knew you'd lose friends when you left for your own fricken' college. deal with it. i know a whole shit load of my friends are going away for college, but am i dwelling on the loss of them? no, i'm fucking happy that their gone... and doing their own thing that they wanted to be doing. i'm also willing to accept that i may never see or hear from these people ever again. why? because they made a decision that they wanted to, and i made a decision that i wanted to, and everyone is fucking doing what they wanted to do.

and besides, it's fucking college. you'll meet new people and make new friends. don't worry about the ones you lose because the ones you lose probably cheated off of you and ate your last damn cookie a few times. get over it!

and about work loads. if you're all fucking concerned about being stressed out about having too much work from school, keep in mind that you made up your own damn schedule. i chose spanish 101 over botany 101. if spanish overwhelms me, it's my tough shit because i chose the class. i aint gonna fucking worry about it. and besides, you also chose the school knowing what kinda work habits are in place there, so don't be like "oh, i didn't know that there was going to be THIS much work."

everything that's going to happen to you in the future is what you bring upon yourself. so get it through your heads that you shouldn't be so fucking worried about so much shit. just deal with the mother fucker and bite the fucking bullet.

Previously on - Currentlier

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