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2002-07-30 - 10:12 a.m.

i feel like killing someone.

on my way home from school, i was turning on to kapahulu from campbel (the street w/ zippys on it). in the right turn lane, there's a yield sign because of a crosswalk and the traffic. so, i'm waiting there for a pedestrian to cross and then this big ass, white, mother fucking jeep behind me blasting me with the horn. so, i give him the bird, i check the crosswalk and the road and he's still fucking giving me the horn. so i roll down my window and i give him the bird again and i go. he fucking tails me, pulls over to the left, and passes me, cuts in front of me and brake checks me. oh, and he shook his fucking fist at me when he passed me. later on, i realized i should've goosed it into him when he brake checked me. just boom! right into his rear bumper. would've done more damage to me, but what the hell? we need a new front bumper and hood. not to mention the radiator is replaceable. besides, it would've been his fault too. after all, he cut over to my lane and brake checked me.

so yeah. i want to kill him right now.

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