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2002-09-02 - 11:11 a.m.

i just had something i wanted to write about and then i forgot it.

god dammit.

dont you hate it when that happens?

last night randi's family had a mini-gathering (again). aunty jodi and uncle layden (sp?) came w/ carie-ann and travis. travis is all crazy energetic. he was fascinated with the lader on the bunkbed in randi/carli's room. he kept going up and down it like a fireman. and even when he fell down off of it, he ran around telling everyone that he fell. the little dumb shit. i'd probably do the exact same thing -- sound effects and all.

and carie-ann was fascinated by hair. randi used her hair to tickle carie-ann's feet and nose and carie-ann would do that little baby googly thing. and she'd be fascinated by my hair when i shook it like if i were shaking my head "no" while looking down. stupid baby.

oh, and she bit her parents on the legs. stupid stupid baby.

oh, and travis found a new favorite toy. y'know those plastic megaphones they give out at UH volleyball games and the like? yeah... travis got a hold of one of those. oh boy... it was funny at first when i told him to go say "hi" to his parents with it, but after that... ack...

yeah, baby sitting can be a double edged sword.

i still don't remember what i wanted to write.


vanilla sky is a really weird movie. it's good because the plot twist is just so freakin' weird. like, i'd never have expected that ending. nothing in the movie alludes to it. like... damn. but arlington road's ending seems more plausible.

i really should get out and do something. it's a nice day hmph... maybe later.

oh, the car wash yesterday was cool, i saw an ACTUAL Bullitt mustang yesterday. like i autenticated it. it had all the badges, PLUS the interior was the same one too. so yups, that was a highlight.

i also fixed randi's windshield wipers yesterday too. there was wax clogging the nozzle so i told her to get me a needle. and as soon as i started to poke a hole in the wax, she goes "that's where the water comes out from?" gah...

i dont remember if any of that was what i wanted to say.

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