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2002-09-02 - 9:12 p.m.

randi's had an influence on me. right now i'm downloading covers done in the style of punk rock. yeah, y'know, punk rockers like advil levigne or however the fuck you spell that poseurs name. i'm sure i spelt many things wrong in that last sentance.

oh well, i tend to do that. like kari-ann's name in my last entry which i spelt carie-ann.

what can a man do though?

i really like emo right now. well, not entirely emo, but weezer emo. and jimmy eat world if you don't watch the music videos with it. i'll work my way into the sub-culture of emo one day. just like i did with punk rock. like advil leviethan.

i should pack my bag before i forget. stupid school.


i wish i still took news writing, i have all these ideas of what i'd like to write and stuff. dammit. growing old sucks.

notice how i didn't say "growing up" because i'm obviously not growing up. i still think and act like i did a few years ago. i dont want to ever be anything other than a teenager. fuck this growing up shit that trevor is experiencing. he's more mature than me man... i dont ever wanna grow up. peter pan and beetle bailey for me yo.

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