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2002-09-08 - 9:23 p.m.

stupid diary... i just lost like a paragraph.

well, like i had said before...

today i did a lot of work. i cleaned my car. i washed it. wiped down the dash/center stack, steering wheel, door panels, shifter, and e-brake with armor all. in addition to that, i also cleaned the windows inside and out with glass cleaner. that takes a lot of time. not to mention i also revised my essay for english due on tuesday.

last night was the welcome back dance. i felt weird being there. mostly 'cause it's for roosevelt students returning to roosevelt, hence the name "welcome back." i know randi's going to argue with me on the name's conotation, but yeah. anyway, i sat outside the whole time. i amused myself by playing around with the "decorations" and talking story w/ royden. as we were leaving, i asked hamel "where's antenocruz that fuckhead?"

to which hamel responded with "ryan!"

and maltere with: "good description!"

i continued with my verbal barrage on anteno-fuckhead's name, but that wasn't the important part.

anyway... me, randi, evan, royden, aarika, joanne, mike, and kent all left the dance early to go to aarika's new house in kaneohe. randi almost got us killed crossing some freeway or highway or something at one point to which i yelled at her to look out. she says that makes up for all the times i almost got her killed. i'm cool like that.

aarika's house is bad ass. it's so bad ass that shes got her own studio like thing. it's got a bathroom and a kitchenette and it's own door. i wanted to live there until her dad said something about paying rent. then i decided i'd move out before i even moved in.

but, eventually we left to go help clean up. well, i kinda just threw ice at the ground and bothered people. and that was the end of the night.

but earlier that day...

earlier that day we had rifelry practice from 9-3. i, being one of the coaches was there the whole 9-3. hell, i even coached little erin (erin tamashiro's brother) into shooting a half decent prone. the only problem is, is that he's too set on his ways of air-soft so that he's got all these bad habbits for air riflery. well, a little anal sex from fred should help him out.

and that was my weekend in reverse chronological order.

Previously on - Currentlier

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