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2002-09-17 - 8:51 p.m.

i had a pretty shitty day when you look at only what happened, but really, it didn't feel so bad.

so, anyway... randi woke me up while i was sleeping in my car calling for food, in english i got a D+ on my first essay, and i got chewed out by coach for being a prick to certain people on the team.

but y'know, it really didn't feel like such a bad day.

maybe it's because our team won our first match? maybe it's because i was talking to jason and found out he was one of the first guys who drifted down tantlus? maybe it's because i really just don't give a shit?

yeah, i guess i should learn to give a shit because apparently thats what would make me a better student according my IS class.

oh, funny thing... today in spanish, i had to do this thing for spanish with the lady who i'm pretty sure no one likes. she's the one old lady that's in one of your classes every year. anyway, i always had this perception that she was one of the people who would try to learn everything in the book. y'know, the annoying ones who would read five chapters ahead and ask a billion questions. it turns out she hates spanish because she can't remember a single thing. i had an inside laugh at that. bitch is stupid!

and then, in IS, i had a talk with the oldest person in that session about japan. she was pretty much raised in japan so she told me about the culture and some of the things to do there. it was interesting. she was a military brat, so she knew. it was kinda fun.

now that i think about it, i talked to a lot of people today.

i also talked to this other guy in my english class after class. heh, it was funny because i was trying to get away as fast as possible.

oh yeah... in english, i probably got a bunch of people angry at me because i'm pretty outspoken in that class. i was saying things about haunani trask that will probably get me shot. but i think i made the strongest points out of everyone there. or i at least used the strongest words. meh...

this entry is getting pretty long. i'm also watching TV right now. i think i'm watching a white stripes video. i dont know...

i had to drop off food for randi today, but you can read about that in her diary. that skank...

okay, i go now. byebye.

p.s. you call me erin you fricker.

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