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2002-09-18 - 10:32 p.m.

today should've been an okay day. y'know, all my classes fell into place and all, nothing too big in school... blah blah blah...

but in the end of everything, i feel like killing something. namely that church on one of the corners of nehoa.

okay, i think my day started to get bad when my mom drove to the rehab center for my cousin. i hate the way my mom drives. infact, i even offered to drive because i don't like how she drives, so she goes and says she'll drive. fine. i'll deal with it. but then she goes and makes all kinds of stupid judgements. things like looking down the right side of the street instead of the left when she's leaving the garage. mah gawd... i hate it when people look right first. you look first because that's likely the side that'll fucking smack you because thats where the ONCOMING FUCKING TRAFFIC is coming from. geez-us christ...

and then she takes forever to leave parking lots because she doesn't understand that speedbumps slow cars down and therefore you can go infront of them.

and then, when we're leaving, she goes "oh, my contacts are foggy." the fucking hell! i even offered to drive earlier! gah!!!

and then, later on or earlier today, i was trying to study, but randi wouldn't study, so i couldn't concentrate. i wanted her to study too, but she wouldn't and so i couldn't concentrate. i'm not blaming her for my inability to study, it's just that i was pissed i couldn't study either. fuck!

and then, after all of that, just before dinner, i told randi i'd move her car to street parking. but what would you fucking know? that god damned church on one of the corners on nehoa had a congregation thing today. so they took up all the fucking parking on the street, and they left one stall open on nehoa at the top of kewalo, but it was a fucking parallel parking because some idiot in a gs300 didn't move all the way up. so knowing how fucking crowded nehoa gets, i didn't want to fucking hold up traffic trying to get that stall. so i had to park on some side street where old ladies gave me dirty looks. by the time i got back to my house, 30 minutes had ellapsed. i was so fucking angry at that church. those pesky god and jesus kids.

but i was pleasantly suprised at the fact that our boys team shot a 1500 yesterday, but every other team that shot 1400 or less. no one even touched 1500. but we'll have to see the other teams that shot today.

i'm gonna go to sleep now i think. i hope. fucking church. i'ma put a nasty letter on their door.

Previously on - Currentlier

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