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2002-09-19 - 9:55 p.m.

man... i laughed a whole lot today. i think it was to make up for tuesday and thursday being kinda off days in their own respects.

well, yeah, today i had enough fun to make up for the other two days as well as cover today's needed laughter quota.

so's, anyway... today in spanish i was talking to this girl who sits behind me because we finished our exercises fast. she's pretty stuck up, but unless you're stuck up and too good to talk to me, then i don't mind it. i'm just weird la' dat.

and then...

in english, we were all laughing because lane, you know, the guy who calls me crazy, was talking today. and as we all know, when a guy from st. louis talks, it's usually funny. oh, and me and jason were talking to this other guy, also named ryan, who also went to st. louis. he said he knew the tanouye's. as in the tanouye's who shoot like mother fuckers. yeah, he said the older one is cool, dorky, but cool. but the younger one scares him. like byron uyesugi scary. i agree.

oh, interesting fact: in three out of four of my classes, there's someone else named ryan. and i dont know everyone in the friday session of IS so there may even be another ryan in there.

anyway... after school, we had another air riflery match. man, moanalua is cool. they talked to us at the scoring table and we ended up sharing racist and sexist jokes. yeah, moanalua likes us. they're the new kalani i think. well, moanalua always liked us sorta. we're just a cool team.

anyway... we all laughed way too much for our own good.

if that is possible anyway...

and then i went to randi's house, her mommy cooked dinner for me, and i did my homework. i like being in college. it's not really all that bad for me yet.

hmph... go fig. life's just full of suprises.

Previously on - Currentlier

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