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2002-09-23 - 10:06 p.m.

man i haven't updated in a chokus long time. i dont know why, not like i really care either though.

anyway... on saturday, i went to riflery practice and it was eventful as usual. i decided to practice because i haven't shot in a super long time. man... i was so dissapointed with myself. i sure as hell can't shoot like i once did. my standing and kneeling are more than 10 below my old par. it doesn't help that i want to start shooting 250's consistently then maybe i'll enter some competitions. oh, i also pissed off stupid suzzie, bridget and leo's little sister. dumbass bitch. she got all huffy puffy over me stealing her point. fuck... there were choke ass points still left open. and after the first relay she was still sulking so i says: "jesus fucking christ! get over it! it's one fucking point! get over yourself god dammit!"

and then she said something about me being a loser because i come back to help out the team. man... i could've decimated her from right there but i held back. fred took up the slack though with a resounding "shut the fuck up! he could fuck you up right here bitch!" or something like that. all i know is that she shut up right there. man, fred's got my back all season so far. speaking of fred...

fred's running joke for the year is that he's dating erin tago and that she's afraid to tell her parents about it because he be filipino-mexican (puerto rican in mr. chiya's eyes). so, then we started telling him stories about jason, erin's brother. he got all scared like "he knows i'm only joking right?" good stuff man, good stuff.

yeah, that's about the only interesting thing i can think off. riflery practice is the shits...

some guy called me a faggot at jamba juice tonight. i went with randi and we were watching this loud ass civic pull out and some queer in the car goes "what faggot?" i guess 'cause we were looking at him. so i called back "what ugly?"

i also flicked off some guy on the freeway today. i was trying to merge left so i could get onto the freeway before the next exit. so i'm flooring it, signal going and then this bastard just keeps speeding up not noticing my blinker. so he passes me when i slow down and looks at me like i'm fucking psycho. so i flick him off as he's passing me and then i flick him off when i go behind him and then i passed him to the right. bitch.

and i was razzing ota today about the stickers on his car. he was telling me about some race he almost got into and so i was telling him how i really need to start doing stuff to my civic so i can get some action. then i told him "dude, i know how i can make my car look faster. i'll put stickers on it!" and then he told me to shut the hell up. good times.

that and i think i bombed my math test that i studied for two days in a row (as in today and yesterday). i hate math.

Previously on - Currentlier

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