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2002-09-24 - 10:17 p.m.

man... everyone be havin' a good day it seems. well, at least according to them diary shit things that seem to be so popular now. fuck internet diaries, they're so gay. just like me.

anyway... right now i'm all angry like because i want to kick the shit out of the internet for not being more "ryan-friendly." yeah... fuck. you see, for mr tonouchi's class, we have to find three current topics which are controversial. i really need to talk to him about that because i'm having trouble finding controversial topics which i find interesting. i'm trying to do mine on street racing, mandatory drivers ed, and the van cams. all of which are actually old topics, but still relate to today and are somehow interconnected. so yeah... but fucking hell it's nearly impossible to find things about it. it doesn't help that the local news paper websites are just cluttered with shit about other things. fucking hell...

on a lighter note, a few nights ago, i had a very good dream. i dreamt i was back at roosevelt and then i saw antenocruz. well, guess what happened? i laughed at him in his face as is my mandatory custom and then he got angry and bitch slapped me and then tried to choke me. and i smiled in my sleep because i had witnesses that he had hit me and choked me. if only my dreams could've come true...

but on a sadder dream note. the night before, i had a dream that my car got stolen. man, i woke up that morning in a cold sweat and almost asked my parents if the car really had been stolen until i realized that it was only a dream.

we have a riflery match tomorrow. i'm worried about our team. we'll see how it turns out.

that new girl who we haven't given a funny name to yet shows promise. her standing needs work, and her prone needs some cleaning up, but she looks like she could become something useful. too bad i haven't seen her kneeling. well, i continue to work with the rest of the team too with the hopes of making everyone at least touch the 200's during the season. gah... we'll see.

i hate the internet.

Previously on - Currentlier

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