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2002-09-25 - 10:47 p.m.

i felt like crying today... i think listening to weezer almost non-stop has taken an effect on me.

man... i totally bombed my math test from monday. i got a 6/16 from the scores i peeked and saw, i didn't see any that were lower than mine. the part that really made me sad was that i had actually studied. i studied the night before, i studied before i went to class. i actually took the time to do the odd numbers in the book so that i'd have a better chance at understanding everything. and i still got a fucking 6/16. but really... it's still my fault because a lot of them i could've gotten correct. i missed an exponent. i forgot to carry the 2. i mutiplied when i should've added. i didn't convert the double minus into an addition... my god... everything was my fault really. i wanted to just drive into a brick wall and see if that could knock some sense into me.

speaking of speeding... on my way home i was like... fuck... i felt like being a racecar driver. so i did some pretty stupid things. i slowed down so i could blow past this thing in the middle of 6th avenue that's supposed to slow you down, but it really just looks like a mini-mini chicane. when i was merging onto the freeway i decided to go all the way to the left lane. so i just mashed the accelerator and went up to 90 mph. i would've gone up to 100 or 110, but i think i would've run out of road. i really need to supe up my car so i can take it to HRP and learn to drive fast for real.

my spanish teacher got angry at the class today for not studying things. me and chris kinda just looked at eachother after and non-verbally said "dude..." which reminds me, i still have spanish hw due tomorrow. fuck... i'll copy ota's.

me and fred almost got rear-ended by some small ass korean lady today. we came to a yellow light and stopped because i had to make a big left turn and i didn't feel like bustin' the art of the drift. so we came to a stop and then we're sitting there at the red light and then all of a sudden we hear "screeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach" and we're sitting there looking around infront of us trying to figure out what that noise was. and then we look behind us and there's this little old lady with her eyes just above the steering wheel behind us. she's the only person on the road. me and fred just freak out "oh mah gad! we almost died!" when the light turned green i goosed it out of there to get away from her. i also checked my mirrors and saw tire marks where she locked the wheels. scary stuff man...

i hate other drivers.

i hate math.

i'm gonna cry now... or not. either one.

Previously on - Currentlier

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