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2007-07-09 - 12:15 a.m.

i know i complain a lot about my job and how i'm afraid that i'm going to let it consume my life.

but tonight, i had a fun time working. i went over to kahala to help them remove some fixtures and set up new wire gondolas.

sounds like a lot of fun, huh!

yeah, i really have no life... deal with it.

so i met up with ron and we drove to windward mall, stopped at city mill to buy some rope, and picked up a cabinet too.

so me and ron talked a little on the way back to kahala. it turns out he's a lot younger than i thought he was, just turned 25. he also made a helluva lot more money in his previous job. he said he used to repair medical equipment and stuff. he said he's making a lot less money, but i guess this type of job is a lot easier for him. not so life and death.

but i think i was more suprised that he's so young. i had him pegged for closer to 30 if not older. i guess i knew that this company was pretty young, but wow... blane's only 31 or 32 and he's a district manager, ron's 25 and in the MAP program (it's the program that leads to becoming an Area Manager), and me, i'm only 22 and a store manager. i guess it's pretty common in this field too though. i doubt you'll find too many 45 year old's who want to work in such a field, especially in the retail side.

so yeah, tonight was fun.

i ended up getting to get a little bit of face time with ron, rich, and blane. let's me get to know them a little bit more. it's like how blane always says that we're a team. gotta know your team mates...

plus i kinda feel like i need to atone a bit for yesterday.

i got a system ripped off from my store. and it was entirely my fault. i left the systems on the counter so customers could see them. i never expected anyone to rip one off... especially a gameboy micro... who the hell wants one of those? besides me... and justin... and nick... and judah... and reid... well, reid doesn't count because he's some kind of loser who likes games and shit too much.

but yeah...

that kind of thing is a terminable offense. i'm lucky that blane likes me and is willing to let me learn from this rather than throw the book at me. well, that and because it was only a micro. it could've been a lot worse had it been something worth more than $50. but yeah... i hate to admit it, but i broke down and came to tears telling the boss. i felt like i had let him down and embarassed him. i was kind of his hand picked choice to take the store and now he has to report the system stolen to the RLPM (regional loss prevention manager). it must be a little embarassing for him to have to report that a system got ripped off from one of his stores because his manager was stupid.

so yeah... i spent part of the day just moping around... smoked most of the pack while reid and dave were there... and after work i went to oki's house and drank and ate fast food and smoked some more. so many vices...

well, i'm about a week away from quitting smoking at least.

i think my team's going to be able to pull out 5% for one more week. go team ram-rod!

but i fell short of my boisterouness (is that a word? is that how you would spell it?) earlier in the week. i claimed we would do 6% for the week. after all, i started off the week with 5 subs by 2 pm on monday. and then i got barely any support the rest of the week. out of the store's 20 subs, i had 13 of them i think. i'm really a little dissapointed in the team. i know it's tough when a lot of them don't give too much of a shit. i also know it's tough right now because there's not a lot of stuff to pull in res' and selling subs is a lot harder because it kind of takes some skill to be able to sell those. luckily i had training from waldens... but i kinda feel like it's not that tough. basically it was every one else pulled in about one a day combined... pretty damn lame.

hopefully i get my new ASM. hopefully she can help me drive better numbers. she has some experience in selling and leadership so, i think she's got potential.

i heard she was a little scared because she feels like she doesn't know enough about games, but that stuff can be taught. i didn't know shit about games but i learned. plus i can BS my way through a lot of conversations... that's not being truthful. i always tell customers if i haven't played a game, but people have said this or that about it...

god.. i feel like i've written all of this before.

i've got good friends... like george carlin, i don't do transitions.

last night, when i was oki's house, we looked at majors for me to take at HPU. i guess i'm going to look at becoming a journalism major of some sort.

i guess i'm going back to school too. oki figures i'll need about 21 more classes to earn my bachelors. we'll see how long that takes me. i doubt i'll be able to go to school full time, so it might be a while... a looong while...

oh well, at least i'll be a little bit more impressive to girls with a college degree... maybe... fuck, i need anything i can get going for me.

randi's cousins are in town. yay! diane, christine, and mimi!... not so much mimi...

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