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2007-10-19 - 2:26 a.m.

i wonder if i'm an alcoholic?

i drink a lot more than ever. i come home and have a beer or two every night it seems like. i'm not doing it to get drunk though, so i think i have that in my favor...

people are getting concerned though...

hmm... maybe i should stop for a while?


i just finished a whole pack of ciggarettes too.

i bought a 22 oz. bottle of sam adams and a pack of smokes tonight. i finished both in record time (for me). but seriously, i smoked the whole pack tonight.

i did the first eight while i was cleaning my car tonight. yup, i cleaned my car. i took out all the shit in the back and i vacumed it out too. didn't do shit for the outside though. fuck that. but the other 12, i chain-smoked them bitches while i was on the phone with donna outside. i don't know if i got a single breath of fresh air during the whole conversation.

alls i knows is that i'm not going to smoke tomorrow.

i intend to go to ala moana to help rich with his store tomorrow and talk to him about what's going on with him and donna. they're in a situation... i don't know how else to put it... he really wants to be with her but she's intent on not letting any guy into her life... and rich is so... retarded about it for lack of a better word. shit like this is why i drink and smoke... that and i've got nothing better to do wtih my time.

meh... fuckitall...

i also need to find my costume tomorrow. why? because i've got no more time to do it. i don't know if i'll be able to do my second ammendment costume. i might have to go with something more conventional, like those kids from clockwork orange or something from the warriors. so we'll see...

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